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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Syrian Refugees Already in Baltimore

After fleeing Syria, they must first spend time in refugee camps usually run by the United Nations and then must apply to come to the U.S. according to Ruben Chandrasekar, director of the Baltimore chapter of the International Rescue Center.

He said then the vetting process will then begin.

"That can last anywhere from 18 months to 3 years per applicant," he said.

Chandrasekar said the IRC has settled 30 families from Syria in Baltimore.



  1. Can he also tell us how much this is costing Maryland taxpayers. Personally I'm getting sick of it.

  2. You people are not sick of anything, when you are 100% sick of ti all, then you will take action. but since you don't and won't take action, you are not tired of it completely yet...

  3. Brave words oh anonymous one.What specific action are you referring to that won't send us to prison?

  4. You have more of a chance of being killed in salisbury by any one of hundreds of drug dealing thugs than ever seeing a refugee let alone one trying to harm you.

  5. They are coming to Slumsbury soon, it is an out of the way place to hide a lot of them.

  6. Hogan needs to bring out the National Guard against Obama and the Federal Government

  7. One way to take action is quit electing DemocRATS to office. They will keep raiding the State Employees Retirement Fund for these Radicals. Where is the State Employee and their Union AFSCME?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You have more of a chance of being killed in salisbury by any one of hundreds of drug dealing thugs than ever seeing a refugee let alone one trying to harm you.

    November 20, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    and you could identify a refugee?

  9. This will be a plus for Baltimore, at least they know how to work. Unlike so many that live there now. Maybe they will push the thugs out, and pay taxes. Win Win

  10. Those people left a war torn country for a better life, they sure aren't coming to Salisbury.

  11. Vetting needs to be done PRIOR to arrival into any country.

    1. Precisely. Are they in a secure camp or minimum security facility? Doubt it. Most likelihood the men have been shoved to the top of the waiting lists for free housing. Meanwhile veterans remain homeless.

  12. I can see taking Families of Christians being attacked if they are vetted... Roosevelt turned away Jews from Germany and it still is a sad commentary on "What we are as a Country"

    But the packs of wild feral hogs in their early 20's assaulting Europeans .. I can guarantee they will be sorry if they think they can bring that as a skill to America

  13. I read a comment by Chris Matthews that I feel is worth posting about the Syrian Refugees. I know he is a liberal and I am a conservative but I try to be very open minded to keep myself balanced. This man feels that we are sending our men and women over there to Syria to help fight and protect their freedom but yet they are streaming over here to the U.S.!!! As a christian (not Chris Matthews words) my bible teaches me to take in the poor and needy and the widows and the orphans, but nowhere does it teach to take on the military age. The military age ( as Chris Matthews says) should not be allowed in or country but to stay home and fight for their own freedom!!! Leave or men and women alone and let fight their own battle the way they should be doing anyway !!!

  14. They have been issued a green card, tax free loan, and a 7-11.

  15. I heard their is a family in Vienna that is willing to take in Muslim Syrian Refugees

    (No kidding)

  16. I read Gov Hogan said no to refugees! Why are they then in Baltimore


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