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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Maryland Democratic Party Executive Director Pat Murray issued this statement about Governor Hogan

On Tuesday, Governor Larry Hogan announced on Facebook that he wants to close Maryland to people fleeing violence in the...
Posted by Maryland Democratic Party on Tuesday, November 17, 2015


  1. excuse me but is that what omally did to us all on gun control. How quickly the democrats forget when its not one of them.

  2. Safety and security is the function of government. Putting the needs of foreigners above our own citizens is not what should be happening here.

    Fleeing is not the answer for these people, ridding their country of the invaders is. Helping them regain their homeland is the best solution.

  3. They want this great county so they can destroy freedom forever

  4. Tell THEM to open up there front doors.

  5. Syrian cowards won't fight for there country but will come here and tell us to except Islam? No thanks

  6. The Democrats got it exactly right. Thankfully there are some adults left to resolve issues and stand up for what's right without fear.

    1. Those adult men who Obama is trying to put in our country, are obviously unable or unwilling to resolve their issues or stand up for what's right without fear. If they are "fleeing" violence, how come they bring so much of it with them, to inflict on those who are forced to "welcome" them?

      Fear? Sure, be the sheep that meekly stands waiting it's turn for the slaughter, ignoring and denying and rationalizing the systematic massacre of its herdmates.

      I'll bet you'd change your tune if a couple hundred of these men were planted in your own neighborhood. Easy enough to play bleeding-heart compassionate hypocrite, when it's in someone else's front yard.

  7. Frankly, Murray slings more horse sxxt than a herd of horses. Once again democrats failed again to support and uphold the safety of legal Americans in favor of accepting known terrorists into the state.

    Democrats have lost all common sense and reason. If they wish to get beheaded by savages so be it, but more people that have common sense want to save their local, state, and yes their country from such savagery. We want to feel and actually be safe. We want our families, and our businesses protected and safe.

    If this so-called president had been an actual leader instead of an organizer of civil unrest in this country, we would not be in the shape we are in now.

    Governor Hogan as well as all the other governors need to ban together with a STRONG RESOLVE to NOT let these savages into the states we live in. I am sure the president will strong-arm and threaten all of the governors with pulling financial aid from their respective states. But, they MUST stand strong and PROTECT the citizens because GOD knows this president doesn't care about American lives. He is one of them, a muslim and I believe his lack of action have shown he doesn't care about us, he cares more about his muslim brotherhood. He stated he was going to fundamentally change America, and I among many believe he meant from a christian nation to a muslim nation.

    Hold your ground and don't back down. Any political leader that doesn't protect all AMERICAN CITIZENS from these murderers by keeping them out of our state and country needs to be considered as treasonous.

  8. Hey idiot. Their faith is to behead Americans. You are one ignorant SOB.

  9. 5:09....Ask France how that "can't we all just get along, we are the world" crap work out?
    In England, France, and Belgium, muslims created their own enclaves, resisting assimilation and refusing to accept the laws and culture of the country that welcomed them.
    Look at Michigan. Muslims have bought thousands of acres of land. Did they develop them into housing and communities? Nope.
    They created "off limits to americans" training camps where they practice assault and terror. That is a fact you might be missing.
    To think that these refugees will be any different is naive to the point of being willfully stupid.
    Let them stay at YOUR house. Just make sure your wife and female children wear the burqua -- otherwise they might get raped or killed for acting like a "whore". And your gay friends? As good as dead.
    Please, while we are at it, name more than TWO American cities run by Democrats that are not in economic ruin, crime infested, highly taxed and gun free (except for the thugs) cesspools of dependency.
    Baltimore? Chicago? Philadelphia? Newark? Houston?
    Just because a party stands for socialism and gay rights doesn't mean they have saved the world and are the next Renaissance men.
    Let the record speak for itself. And for Democrats, its an abysmal failure.

  10. 5:38....Well stated with amazing clarity. I challenge any diehard Dem to dispute those facts.

  11. Democrats are quickly loosing common sense. To go up against the will of the American public is a serious mistake. I'm with Trump who says "let's make America great again."

  12. I've got a good idea for the Maryland Democrat Party newsletter... The Democrat Douche Bag and the writer of their FB page can write their articles.

  13. With statements like this it is no surprise that the democrats lost the Maryland governors election. Democrats don't know or don't care what the people of Maryland want. No more refugees and limited illegal immigration with a fence on the Mexican border. Would also like for owebamma to refer to terrorist as radical islam thugs.

  14. The first job of the Government is to keep it's citizens safe. Inviting Illegal Aliens and Muslims to our country and paying for it while a war is going on is not keeping us safe. F.U. Trent Swanson and Chuck Cook!!

  15. The Libtards kept saying they didn't want our young men going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan again and I kept telling them "You either fight them over there on their land or you fight them here on ours. Your choice." Well it looks like we will be fighting them over here now. Thank you idiots for constantly voting for Democrats.

  16. Anonymous said...
    The Democrats got it exactly right. Thankfully there are some adults left to resolve issues and stand up for what's right without fear.

    November 17, 2015 at 5:09 PM

    Libtard the Retard. Sounds like Chuck Cook if you ask me.

  17. Hey Murray - I've got this bowl of M&M's how about you eat some.....

    Good job Governor Hogan...protecting his citizens!

  18. Let me guess this right..... What Democrats are saying/admitted that he certainly didn't jump the gun and make a uninformed decision. He took his time listening to Marylander's expressing their wishes via email, phone, signing a petition, etc. Because he took the time to deliver what Marylander's wanted and made an educated and informed decision, the Dummy Democrats wants to pull this one out of their ass!

    Come on now!!!! That is an extreme, extreme stretch of the truth and shame on you. That's all you got!!! You are embarassing your own party!!!!

  19. We really ARE complicit in all this mess. Obama buys arms for Syria rebels to kill Syrian government people. Putin does the same for the Syrian government to kill their opposition. Why are we all wondering why refuges are fleeing this carnage when in fact we are h helping it take place?

    Don't forget Bengazi where Clinton was dealing arms to the rebels against US restrictions. They got caught, Clinton refused to admit involvement and Americans died because of Muslim cartoons? Hillary is one slick bitch.

  20. The democrat party is a danger to all of us.

  21. "Latest: Reuters: Authorities Say Third Paris Suspect Posed as Refugee". Uh, Pat, how many posers have you weeded out so far? What's that? I didn't think so.....

  22. If Bush had not gone into Iraq and ousted Saddam Hussein, we would not have this mess now. Saddam kept the region under control. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction to invade cuz his daddy couldn't get the job done the first go around.

  23. Remember a very important fact with Obama accepting thousands of refugees here. It ONLY took 19 Radical Muslim to hijack airplanes and destroy the World Trade Center and killed 3,000 innocent people!

  24. fleeing violence so they come to Obama's America... wait until they get a load of the Black Lives Matter gang of thugs

  25. You can bet Chuck Cook is in the mix somewhere.

  26. what else would you expect from the Party of Elijah the Communist and Liberal Jim?

  27. Many citizens of MD voiced their opinion on this to Gov. Hogan. He listened.

  28. How about this, Dems? You guarantee our safety with your very lives and the lives of your children and we'll talk again. Until then, take a seat and think hard about how your're going to do this.

  29. I am very happy that Governor Hogan has taken a stand to refuse immigrants who will add to our state and federal expenses. Only short-sighted people think that we can continue to feed the world. I am a survivor. Muslims have not entered any country yet where they try to become that country's citizens by assimilating. They demand changes to further the spread of Islam. I don't intend to follow sharia law, stop eating pork, look at veiled women who all look alike, etc. I am a Christian and the Bible is my life's guide. This is my stand along with many others.


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