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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Retired City Police Officer Found Not Guilty Of Killing Dog

A Baltimore City judge has found a retired city police officer not guilty of animal cruelty, and all other charges in connection with the death of a dog in June of last year.

The verdict was handed down this morning in the case of retired Baltimore City Police Officer Jeffery Bolger.

He was accused of slitting the throat of a shar-pei named Nala, after the dog bit a pregnant woman.

The defense argued the officer acted in self defense, but prosecutors say the officer had no reason for his actions because it was already contained.



  1. When are you people going to start shamming these people, refuse them service, and anything we can do to get these cops locked up or out of the job or to change how they act...

    If you are god damn scared of a dog, then you need to get a new job because you are a pussy...

  2. Good
    Dog or human.
    Bite this liberal above ^^^^^^^^^^^

  3. Regretfully, I have done the same. Even though I love my dogs like children, any dog that bites and froths at the mouth is an immediate health hazard to everyone in the area. I hope the dissenters never need to take rabies shots.

  4. Fatal dog attacks in the United States are a small percentage of the relatively common occurrences of dog bites. While at least 4.5 – 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, only about 20 to 30 of these bites result in death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Sounds reason enough to me for an officer to kill a mean dog. Thank you sir!!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Regretfully, I have done the same. Even though I love my dogs like children, any dog that bites and froths at the mouth is an immediate health hazard to everyone in the area. I hope the dissenters never need to take rabies shots.

    November 20, 2015 at 11:47 AM

    Thank you!

  6. What the heck is a shar-pei?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dog or human.
    Bite this liberal above ^^^^^^^^^^^

    November 20, 2015 at 11:44 AM

    He is not a liberal but you and others are freaking idiots. The dog was just barking. Frothing at the mouth? Let me choke you with that pole as see if you don't 'froth'. Rabies? Morons. Do you really think if he suspected the dog had rabies he would go near it, much less slit its neck and get blood on his hands?

    Do you really have amnesia or never once read anything about this case? Yeah, that's probably it. Most of you just read a headline and go from there.

    They had audio of this cop stating he was going to slit the dog's throat BEFORE he was dead. He intended to slit the dog's throat and that's what he did. It was never about 'ending the dog's misery'? It was about causing misery to the dog.

    I bet some of you still believe the moon is made of cheese

  8. 12:20 is is a Chinese breed that is a great dog. It has enough skin on it for three dogs lol. People make these breeds bad. Just like Pits white trash and thugs fit them and make them bad. I have had numerous and they never bit a soul. As for the cop was not there sounds to me like the system worked move on.

    I guess they will burn Baltimore down again. Dogs Lives Matter!!!!

  9. "Anonymous said...

    Fatal dog attacks in the United States are a small percentage of the relatively common occurrences of dog bites. While at least 4.5 – 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, only about 20 to 30 of these bites result in death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Sounds reason enough to me for an officer to kill a mean dog. Thank you sir!"

    While dog bites that prove to be fatal are relatively low those who suffer permanent injuries including paralysis, loss of limbs, ear, nose, disfigurement which involves years of surgeries is very high. You take those 2 together and you are well over the 90% range. What you are forgetting is that the majority of dog bites are not even reported because they are relatively mild. The CDC only tracks those reported and they tend to be very severe.

  10. Everyone pissed off about killing a rabid dog, yet killing, beating, and burning them alive is fine as long as a guy can play football.

    1. Yep liberals care only about dogs and gays and illegals,couldn't careless about America and out safety.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Everyone pissed off about killing a rabid dog, yet killing, beating, and burning them alive is fine as long as a guy can play football.

    November 20, 2015 at 2:25 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yep liberals care only about dogs and gays and illegals,couldn't careless about America and out safety.

    November 20, 2015 at 2:48 PM

    The dog did NOT have rabies you moe moe. And this dog posed a threat to America and her safety?

    Your water supply must be coming from obammys urinal. You sound just like that idiot

  12. What a mockery. The dog didn't have to die. Both the judge, and the defense attorney
    must not like dogs. Why in the hell did the cop slit the dog's throat? That seems terribly extreme and more dangerous. It was a little dog.

    When are the laws going to ever be changed to protect animals from such abuse???


  13. I believe the ancient Chinese used these dogs as protectors of the temples. They are highly intelligent. It is a shame the same can't be said for the courts and this particular police officer.

  14. The Cop likes control-----there was no need
    to slit the dogs throat. He should have been
    reprimanded for doing so. The Jerk!

  15. obviously from the comments ..that the White cop was smart to waive his right to trial by jury in the Outhouse of the Western Shore

  16. Chinese don't use dogs for protection, they use them for food, don't believe it, google it, there are even recipes on the internet.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Chinese don't use dogs for protection, they use them for food, don't believe it, google it, there are even recipes on the internet.

    November 20, 2015 at 7:40 PM

    there are recipes for explosives too and guess what, people use that for protection


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