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Sunday, November 01, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Another Conference

Grrrrrrr, our tax dollars at work with administrators attending yet ANOTHER conference - Perry Chipman principal, Lewis JMB assistant principal, Belgium Pupil Personnel Central Office..... shaking my head


  1. Save taxpayers money??? B. S.

  2. Um when they go on a conference are they suppose to fast and not eat, sit in 19 dollar a night hotel rooms and pray. Are you an idiot?

    1. Obviously ur not a tax payer, y not have the meeting in school and the $ saved from you chowing down steak and lobsters could buy kids pencils and paper.

  3. There is nothing wrong with this at all. Crawl back under your rock now.

  4. Depends on what was going on. If seminars and workshops were still going on then they shouldn't be at a restaurant having a sit down meal for lunch.

  5. I am a tax payer. Conferences are justified and they are not always held locally. I doubt they are eating lobster as I am sure they need to submit an expense report. Also, there is no indication that these people are not attending a meeting and instead have chosen to go to lunch. Where is the proof of your idiotic charges? Has anyone that actually reads this blog ever gone to a professional business meeting? These comments are baffling.

  6. I'm a taxpayer....nothing wrong with people in same profession having lunch! I don't know why they aren't at Lonestar.....

  7. "Has anyone that actually reads this blog ever gone to a professional business meeting?"

    Yes I attend several multi city professional conferences a year. I said it above and I'll say it again-it depends if there were any workshops going on at the time. If so, then this is wrong as no one is going to starve if they miss lunch and if they think they are, then you prepare. If the workshops take a break for lunch then there is nothing wrong with this as long as they get back in time when workshops are resuming.

  8. Have some of you clowns ever heard of CU's? They have to get them to keep working. And some of them require travel. Get over it.

  9. Your site sucks Joe you have gone wayy down hill. Your glory days are way behind you. Time to pack up and move where no one knows what a loser you are. Talked to Jimmy the other day he said kicking your ass in the election was one of the high lights of his career. I told him you could not beat a one legged billy goat so be so proudof beating you. Nothing really accomplished.

  10. They said, "If the kids get free meals on the taxpayers dime so do we"

  11. 1:31, LMAO, Thanks for letting me know that even the opposition continues to follow SBYNews. Your comment is very old school in the sense that it is very similar to ones put out there several years ago. Here's the funny part. You see, I get to see the traffic we bring in every single day. My numbers have NEVER gone down for the past 11 years. So you go right on acting like a child and make all the stupid statements you want, it won't work. Oh, by the way. The day our numbers do go down, believe me, I'll stop doing this in a New York Second.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Um when they go on a conference are they suppose to fast and not eat, sit in 19 dollar a night hotel rooms and pray. Are you an idiot?

    October 28, 2015 at 9:02 AM

    Um why must they go to a conference? Why must anyone go to a conference when they have 10 paid Professional Days a year!! What is wrong with praying? You are an idiot!

  13. Anonymous said...
    I am a tax payer. Conferences are justified and they are not always held locally. I doubt they are eating lobster as I am sure they need to submit an expense report. Also, there is no indication that these people are not attending a meeting and instead have chosen to go to lunch. Where is the proof of your idiotic charges? Has anyone that actually reads this blog ever gone to a professional business meeting? These comments are baffling.

    October 28, 2015 at 9:58 AM

    Said another liberal Douche Bag from the Public School System. Mooching off the tax payers of course.


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