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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Driver In Viral Cruisin’ Video Gets $640 in Fines

OCEAN CITY — The driver in a video pulling off a donut and burnout on Coastal Highway during last spring’s Cruisin’ event weekend pleaded guilty last week to negligent driving and a handful of other violations and was fined a total of $640.

Last May 16, a blue Chevrolet Corvette was caught on video pulling out onto Coastal Highway and doing a donut in the middle of the street before screeching down Coastal Highway at a high rate of speed with a plume of white smoke trailing behind in the midst of heavy traffic and numerous pedestrians and spectators lining the roadway. The incident was captured on video and was quickly distributed on social media as an example of the ill behavior demonstrated by many of those indirectly associated with the annual event throughout the weekend.



  1. This doughnut and burnout might be a little excessive but if the cruisers keep getting fines the cars will stop coming.The people want the burnouts and speed.

  2. Careful Oc. Do not bite the hand that feeds you. The dew tour has moved on to other venues.

    1. How about we do burnouts infront of your house for a weemend FOOL.

  3. Impound the vehicle.

  4. lower class scum. we dont want them.

  5. News Flash! Ocean City got along fine before there were car shows. The car show needs Ocean City more than Ocean City needs the car show. If you act like civilized humans they can continue. If you act like morons, well, $640 fine

  6. You own a Corvette and your willing to do the damage that donuts and burnouts do to the car. A fine of $640 is the least of your concerns!

  7. Ocean city needs the economic boost the cruise in provides in the spring and fall. Don't fool yourself

  8. News flash 9:41 you are wrong.

    1. You must be on the debate team. That is a flawless rebuttal.

  9. You can keep the car shows and the bike week. Drunk fools who like to play with toys, and don't know how to act in public. WE DON'T NEED THEM!

  10. $640 is less than the tires he burned up.

  11. Let's act as if this isn't normal behavior for most of the Summer months in OC....maybe not to this extent but it comes with the territory.

  12. Hopefully, it sends a notice to punks to stay away from OC or follow the laws if you do come. You don't leave your brain at home when you visit. This is not a town to run wild and act like an idiot in. Other towns make out fine without these type of events.

  13. That is not cruising. That is redneck 'look at me' behavior. Cruising means you go SLOW, let people see your ride, wave to the people who want to watch. They totally missed the mark.


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