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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

China 'Cloning Factory' to Produce Cattle, Racehorses and Pets

World’s largest cloning facility in China aims to produce a million cattle a year, along with other animals

The world’s biggest animal “cloning factory” is due to open in China, producing one million calves a year, sniffer dogs and even genetic copies of the family pet.

Chinese media said, following the development of a technique which began when Dolly the sheep became the first cloned mammal when she was born in Scotland in 1996.

The centre may cause alarm in Europe, where the cloning of animals for farming was banned in September due to animal welfare considerations.

But Xu Xiaochun, chairman of Chinese biotechnology company BoyaLife that is backing the facility, dismissed such concerns.

“Let me ask one question. Was this ban based on scientific rationale or ethical rationale or political agenda?” Mr Xu told The Telegraph.

“Legislation is always behind science. But in the area of cloning, I think we are going the wrong way and starting to kill the technology.”



  1. Horse racing is pedigree based. Breeding is everything ..they can keep their nags.

  2. Next, these cloned cattle will be part of the American diet shortly after TPP is adopted., bon appétit.


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