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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Governor Hogan, Maryland Officials Participate in Emergency Preparedness Exercise Ahead of Winter Season

ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor Larry Hogan today hosted an exercise for top administration officials at the Maryland Emergency Management Agency in Reisterstown. The discussion and drill, which focused on a blizzard scenario, boosted state agencies’ ability to collaborate on a variety of issues that can arise during winter storms and related emergencies.

“Maryland is susceptible to a wide range of natural hazards, including winter storms, hurricanes, and flooding,” said Governor Hogan. “I have directed my administration to work together before the first snowstorm this season to ensure that state government can effectively respond to a storm or any emergency this winter.”

Over twenty-five leaders from state agencies and offices participated in today’s event. This exercise is the first in a series of drills directed by the Hogan administration related to emergency management, disaster preparedness, and homeland security.
“It is essential that the state be able to support local jurisdictions’ response to any incident, including severe winter storms,” said Maryland Emergency Management Agency’s Executive Director Russell Strickland. “This series of drills will raise our ability to be agile in the face of any emergency and ensure resident safety.”
For additional information on emergency management in Maryland and winter safety tips, residents can visit mema.maryland.gov.

1 comment:

  1. Is it just me? Every year from your date of birth there are winters, summers, storms, snow, wind, rain and high tides. How can you not know what to do and how to be prepared for such events. Ok, yeah you moved to the mid atlantic from San Diego and have never seen the news in your life showing that it snows in America in states where the temperatures are cold enough. There is even a bigger problem if the our state government needs to have a drill on how to handle a snow storm. The media makes every storm out to be the storm of the century which just sends people out to Walmart to buy everything in sight. The reality is that even a severe blizzard will only have back roads closed for a couple days at most.


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