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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Buzzkill: Obamacare Regulation May Put Craft Breweries Out of Business

Obamacare’s menu labeling regulation promises to be a disaster for the food and restaurant industries, as its implementation is both costly and extremely onerous. While its deleterious effects on the pizza, restaurant, and grocery industries have been most well known, it also has the potential to shutter an industry near and dear to Americans’ hearts: craft beer.

Since beer has a few too many calories for bureaucrats, the health law dictates that all brewers include a detailed calorie count on every type of beer produced. Failure to do so, according to Americans for Tax Reform, “means craft brewers will not be able to sell their beer in any restaurant chain with over 20 locations.”



  1. Just another reason to kick his ass to the curb asap

  2. What is wrong with people seeing the calories they are consuming? Let's keep people in the dark and sell more, real ethical.

  3. The pencil pushers are taking it too far. Our freedom to do as we please as long as we do not infringe on the rights of others is history nearly long forgotten. Time to have a Boston Beer Party!

  4. 11:24, then don't drink it!!

  5. Now you know why Bud and Coors have merged ... Globalist lobby is everything to the miscreant. Everything but the cash he gets for decisions like this. Obamacare has foundered and already a failure raping the middle class he despises


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