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Sunday, November 22, 2015

ACLU Upset With Governor Hogans Decision On Refugees

Statement of the ACLU on Governor Hogan's Request to Federal Government to Not Send Syrian Refugees to Maryland

The following can be attributed to Sirine Shebaya, attorney directing the ACLU of Maryland's immigrant's rights advocacy:

"The ACLU of Maryland is deeply saddened by Governor Larry Hogan's request that the federal government not allow any more Syrian refugees to come to Maryland, a decision that goes against our common humanity. To shut the door in the face of those who are the most severely harmed by the very actions we so loudly condemn in Paris is to say that some lives - those of the Syrian refugees and their children - do not matter and are expendable.

Maryland did not hear calls to ban Irish immigrants when the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was active, or calls to ban people from Spain when Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) was active. The current calls have nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with our inability to see Syrian refugees as fellow humans doing the same thing people have done since time immemorial - flee war, death, and destruction. To shut out Syrian families trying to rescue their children from persecution and in some cases starvation, is to refuse to help the victims of the very terrorism we decry.

Calls to bar Syrian refugees from American soil, in addition to being immoral, are also blatantly illegal. Refugee resettlement is a federal matter over which states have no authority. And freedom from racial profiling, religious discrimination, and discrimination based on national origin are at the heart of the values our constitution protects. Such calls go against our laws and our values, and are a dangerous invitation to the public at large to engage in the same illegal and immoral discriminatory conduct.

Moreover, singling out refugees doesn't make practical sense. The U.S. already has a rigorous and multi-layered security screening program in place for refugees seeking to resettle here. All refugees must pass multiple background checks, biometric tests, medical screenings, and in-person interviews with the Department of Homeland Security. They are subjected to more screening than any other individual who travels to the U.S.

The U.S. has long been a leader in refugee protection and resettlement. Now, more than ever, we must show courageous and bold leadership, and resist condemning people because of where they are from."


  1. Tell the liberals to open there homes??? Hypocrisy at its finist.

  2. Idiot. The majority are young men who left the women and children behind. These people are savages. The other groups she spoke of didn't behead people.

  3. what a stupid twit! she doesn't get that people that want to kill americans are pretending to be refugees. we have to protect our country or it won't be good for any one

  4. ACLU is for Americans. They have no bearing on this.

  5. Tough Shot. It is more humane to give aid and support to those who gave their all for their country, our veterans, than to deny them to host a group that has proven to include those who want to do us harm. God Bless Gov Hogan and all those who decide to fight Obama's war on our country.

  6. Thank you Governor

  7. Ahem, Yes Ms. Shebaya,
    But did the Irish or the Spaniards murder the thousands that this ISIS group has? I realize that there were some atrocities attributable to both, but did they threaten to come into this country and do the same thing.

    I agree with the above commenter...let Ms. Shebaya open her door first and take the first 'refugees'...most are men, should keep her calm for a while.

  8. The Islamist ACLU can go to H3LL!! They must be upset with 29 other governors as well.

  9. Anonymous said...
    ACLU is for Americans. They have no bearing on this.

    November 17, 2015 at 3:17 PM


    1. American Civil Liberties Union. They're funded and founded to represent American citizens. These refugees aren't citizens. Therefore the ACLU needs to stop wasting time on this matter. And regain focus on their responsibilities. The American people.

  10. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



  13. Tell those POS Liberal Mother F&%#ers to take the "refugee's" home to their house.

  14. What good are civil liberties if you have no head??

  15. I thought that the ACLU worked for us?

  16. Jimmy cracked corn and I don't give a crap.

  17. 5:42 No, they do not.

    The ACLU is a private organization heavily funded by ultra-liberal, socialist traitors. They don't advocate for "Civil Liberties" or freedom, they are a tool of the far left to manipulate the media, harass dissenters with lawsuits and injunctions, as well as muzzling free speech (unless it suits their agenda, in which case they are the first to howl about First Amendment rights.)

    They are quick to take the side of a "minority", a female, a gay person or an illegal alien, regardless whose "civil liberties" are actually being violated.

    And they love to take action against religious displays.

    Their ideas of "civil liberties" have NOTHING to do with our Bill of Rights, but rather, the "freedom" of others not to be butthurt.

  18. Thank you Governor Hogan.

  19. Well, boo hoo. The aclu is sad! TFB!

  20. Lets see if everyone that supports the ACLU will open their homes to the Syrian refugees.

  21. American Criminal Liberties Union.

    F them another organization ripping off the people. Those at the top get fat. Libtards plain and simple.

    It would be cheaper to send then troops back and kill those terrorist. Take the gloves off. Remember people little terrorist grow up to be big terrorist. Maybe Ohbammy will let them stay at his house lol. Michele can tell those people how rough she has it. How racist America is as she sits her ass in the White House. Enough is Enough


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