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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Martin O’Malley Dines with Family of Illegal Immigrants

Democratic Presidential Candidate Martin O’Malley dined with a family of illegal immigrants Thursday in a bid to highlight the benefits of executive amnesty and the plight of the “New American family.”

O’Malley, a former governor of Maryland, has been attempting to stand out from his competition for the Democratic nomination — Hillary Clinton and 
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
 — by appealing to the immigrant community with expansive amnesty proposals and rhetoric.



  1. If O'Malley would be elected, I can see that he would be part of the problem. Many of our citizens are unemployed and unable to find work. Bringing in more people into our country only makes the situation worse. O'Malley did not do Maryland any favors when he was governor. Thank God we have a competent governor now. I pray every night for Governor Larry Hogan.

  2. Maybe Marty should be arrested for knowingly and willingly participating in event with known Federal criminals. Proves that Marty is sucking up for the Democrat vote hoping there will be enough illegals in the country to vote for him.

  3. Give that family another 5 yrs and come back and see how they're doing. Multiplied by 3 and in same home. Driving brand new vehicles and owning their home. Better than most of us.

  4. what a clown, he will do anything for a vote. but he's just to damn stupid to realize how out of touch he is with the rest of america. Shame to watch a grown man act like such a wussy! you would think the demoncrats would love such a pathetic excuse for a human being but shows even they don't care for his lib persona either!

  5. We, Marylanders know all about OweMalley. Do not fall for his baloney. He's all about tax, tax and more tax. Do Not even vote Democrat, vote Republican.

  6. awwwwwww - such a sweet picture. Worthy of a Hallmark CHRISTmas card. No wonder this country is going to hell in a handbasket.


  8. O'Malley screwed Maryland with higher taxes even a stupid rain tax, He raised all the tolls bay bridge etc. All the Democrats know is tax, tax, tax. Obama is another prime example. So don't vote Democrat unless you want America screwed up even more than it already is thanks to Obama and his cronies.

  9. All these politicians that are SUPPORTIVE OF MIGRANTS coming here IS ONLY FOR the DEMOCRATIC VOTE!

    All Americans whether Democrat or Republic should wake up and be OUTRAGED!!!

  10. IDIOT - Rain Tax, Fee's - Wow what an idiot!

    Joe Biden Junior

  11. Agreed how can you elect a president with no respect for the law--bragging about hanging out with people here illegally-omalley should be arrested

  12. If martin omalley (and his family for that matter) had one ounce of decency in their foul putrid bones they would not be dining with criminals. What kind of parent is he and what kind of parents did he have for him to act like this! His own mother's head should be dragging the ground in shame over what she raised. What a trash family this is dining with criminals.

  13. this man is truly clueless.

  14. Montezuma's revenge ...

  15. Marty - hanging out with criminals - that'll IMPROVE your reputation!

  16. O'Malley would have lunch or a photo shoot with the KKK, Muslims, Black Panthers etc., if he thought it would help him get votes. A sleazey politician out for his own interests. One of the biggest fake and phonies that has ever entered politics. Arrogant and out for himself, he is the biggest joke in today's politicians.

  17. Marty and Katie should have Hector and Lucinda move in with them. As long as you are here we have some grass to cut, laundry to do, paint a room or two...

  18. I agree with 10:37. He would be an even bigger joke if anyone outside of Maryland knew who he is. He has a smaller percentage than 2% milk.

  19. Where are all these idiots hatched?

  20. always out for the free lunch


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