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Sunday, November 22, 2015

JUST IN: Rioter Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison For CVS Fire; Must Pay $500,000 In Restitution

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The man who pleaded guilty to setting a CVS on fire during the Baltimore riots after Freddie Gray’s death was sentenced to 48 months in prison Tuesday and must also pay a half a million dollars in restitution.

Raymon Carter was arrested on June 30 in connection to the April 27 arson at the pharmacy located at Pennsylvania and North avenues.

Prosecutes said at the time of the arrest, Carter fled from ATF agents and later lied about his identity when he was captured.

The fire caused nearly $1 million in damages.



  1. Yea, CVS will see that money!

  2. How is that pos going to pay $500,000?

  3. He will never earn $500,000 in his lifetime

  4. Although I guarantee that I am as conservative as they come, I actually feel sorry for this kid. Unfortunately, he is simply a pawn in a much bigger game. It was Eric Holder, Obama and Black Lives Matters that ginned him up. Now he pay the consequences! They couldn't care less about him! They have moved on and oddly, to them, only certain black lives matter. His didn't happen to be one of them.

  5. Throw him in jail and let the parents alternate time in jail while they help pay his debt!!! A family that's jailed together will stay together!!! Would be a great bonding experience for them!!!

  6. How can you pay without a job!

  7. Going to have to sell a lot of crack on Baltimore's streets to cover that bill.

  8. His eyes are weirdly close together.

    He's obviously a career criminal, him and his daddy both.

    True story - the Baltimore Child Support Office had been trying for months to have him served with yet another Paternity Petition (he and his daddy been collectin' baby mommas, then runnin' like rats). They received notice of his "change of address" yet kept wasting taxpayer money trying to have him served.

    On 10/14/2015, an officer was sent to try to deliver the paternity summons yet again. Raymon's granny finally told the cops where they cold find him...

    Summons Returned - No Service - 10/14/15
    PNS Paternity Subpoena returned 10/14/15 Per grandmother Ms. Carter stated grandson Raymond Carter #3335959 is incarcerated with Federal Prison.

    Today, 11/17/2015...

    Summons Returned - No Service Unserved(Reason): 11/13/15 Bad address unk
    per new tenant at location PNS Paternity Subpoena re-issue returned

    Seriously? Again? They have been repeatedly told where the dirtbag is at.

    Do the bored civil servants at the Baltimore Child Support office do anything besides sign up welfare and food stamp recipients? Perhaps if LaQ'amishia bothered to put down her obamaphone and quit preening her weave and dagger-long nails, she'd check the most obvious databases...even the most simple google search would have pinpointed his address: in federal prison.

    "Ebony Thompson" should've found a less worthless buck. Because as the other baby mommas could've told her....he wasn't worth a plugged nickel.

  9. Did he loot the drugs? maybe 500k is peanuts to this guy? Wha he driving?

    1. He couldn't or wouldn't pay child support for all his spawn, so who cares what he was driving, if anything.

  10. He will be given that much in his lifetime by pos liberls.

  11. Who cares about this POS welfare punk. A couple of more arrests and he'll be a boy toy for life.

  12. Maybe the $500K can be donated by the Clinton Foundation. Not.

  13. Wasn't Beyonce and JZ sending money to bail people out of jail? Maybe they will pay this 500k for this nice young gentleman

  14. All he has to do now is fake that he got beat by the police and he will have enough money to pay off his debt.

  15. He'll be out in 6 months and we won't hear a word.We only hear when they get locked up,and the excuse for keeping their release quiet is "he/she has already paid their debt to society".In an ideal world he would serve the entire 4 years.

  16. He'll pay it off at the rate of $1 per week for 500,000 weeks.


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