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Saturday, October 03, 2015

Valerie Jarrett Throws Hillary Under the Bus on Emails

Obama White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett threw Hillary Clinton under the bus Wednesday at the Washington Ideas Forum, where she told interviewer Andrea Mitchell that the White House gave Clinton guidance forbidding her from using private email.

“Yes, there were. Yeah, absolutely,” Jarrett said when asked if the White House sent guidance to Cabinet secretaries about not using private email. “Obviously we want to make sure that we preserve all government records, and so there was guidance given that government business should be done on government emails and that if you did use a private email that it should be turned over.”

“That’s what she’s doing, as you said as recently as a few minutes ago,” Jarrett added. “And I think she has been asked about this multiple times, including by you Andrea. And I think she said, Look to do it again I probably made a mistake and I wouldn’t do it, and she’s working hard to comply with making sure that everything is pursuant to the Federal Records Act.”



  1. Lets hope a criminal indictment is coming for Hillery soon.

  2. Who cares about Obama token Iranian in the WH has to say.

  3. So we're supposed to believe one liar over another liar.

  4. JArrett is a treasonous pig.

  5. His whole entourage follows Obama as though he were the 'anointed one', they come just shy of saying 'yes master' to whatever he wants, has anyone ever said to him an idea he has had was not good or bad? I will bet not!

  6. Her father was a Communist.just like Her.

  7. Just too bad she wasn't actually thrown under a bus.


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