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Saturday, October 03, 2015

Vegan Protesters 'Storm' Steakhouse

A group of vegans thought they would further their cause by storming a Toronto steakhouse, peppering a hostess with questions and shouting at customers.

Instead, even those on the left are ridiculing their tactics.

Several protesters from a group identified as “Direct Action Everywhere Toronto” by the Huffington Post entered The Keg Mansion steakhouse in Toronto, Canada. Video shows the lead agitator perusing a menu near the entrance of the restaurant.

“So, I’m just wondering, I don’t see any dog meat here,” the protester said to the hostess trying to wait on restaurant patrons. The hostess stood stone-faced, either unamused or not understanding how this person could be so stupid.

“That’s the latest thing. I thought this was a meat restaurant,” the agitator said.

More here (with video)

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