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Saturday, October 03, 2015

Study: Public employee unions hurt private-sector workers

Powerful public-sector unions may be good for government employees, but they’re bad news for private-sector workers.

Carrie Sheffield, Warren Brookes Journalism Fellow at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, spelled out differences between public-sector and private-sector unions in a CEI study published Tuesday.

Sheffield found that public employees — who enjoy costly pension guarantees and other expensive perks — typically have more education and higher income than the average American worker.

“Government employee unions create a more expensive and protected class of workers at the expense of nonunion workers, students, and taxpayers,” Sheffield wrote.

The trend has gotten worse as public employee unions’ increasing influence has emboldened union bosses “to become more directly involved in politics and more radical in their demands,” she explained.



  1. Having had worked for government for 25 years, and then retiring with full benefits at the ripe old age of 46, I resent this.
    I worked for 25 years, and deserve to get free medical, $5.00 co-pay on drugs, $10.00 doctor visits, $2,500.00 a month pension, for my entire life.
    I was smart and worked for the government instead of private sector, too bad for those that did, quit whining.

  2. Government unions don't do anything! !! Just like most state workers who aren't help responsible for anything. The can build a road, bridge, whatever it can fall apart the next day and yet they still have a job. AFSCUM is a union for state workers and run by state workers. USELESS!!

  3. Teacher unions don't benefit teachers anymore either. They operate under an umbrella of false protections. teachers just don't want to admit they are paying all those dues for nothing.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Government unions don't do anything! !! Just like most state workers who aren't help responsible for anything. The can build a road, bridge, whatever it can fall apart the next day and yet they still have a job. AFSCUM is a union for state workers and run by state workers. USELESS!!

    October 3, 2015 at 2:14 PM

    Some are but the problem ones are the culture that works in these jobs.

  5. I worked and retired from the state also 2:08 the unions did what for you?? Took money out of your check every month for 25 years. Did you show up on time? Did you do your job well? Worked well with Co workers? Of course you did. Did the union do that for you? NO!! UNIONS ARE FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T DO THAT. The bums and losers that I know you understand what I'm saying.

  6. 4:33 actually our union negotiated larger pensions for us, no cost to us health insurance, very little co-pays, and a COLA raise each year also for pensioners.
    Show up on time, if we wanted to, but no clock to punch so we ambled in around starting time. But we had "Flex time" that the union got for us, we also got paid time off to go vote, go to a doctor, go to the DMV, see our kids in a school function, the SEIU did great for us for just $15.00 a month.

  7. 2:03 I can't believe more haven't responded to your self-righteous and obviously oblivious rant. You worked for 25 years?? What a hardship, most people have to work for 50+ years. You have medical expenses that are paltry?? What a hardship, most people pay as much for medical expenses as their vehicle expenses. Your pension is more than a lot of working salaries?? What a hardship, remember - your monthly checks are only partially paid by your previous monthly deductions. Taxpayers fund any and all deficiencies to support you. Some pay it willingly; some pay it with a proverbial pitchfork in hand. Believe me, you weren't smart when you worked for the government. We all would be in a better condition if you and others like you were smart when you worked for the government. Instead, we are at the mercy of government workers who reap way more than they sow.


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