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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Trump Stands Ground at No Labels Convention

GOP front-runner Donald Trump "walked right in" at the first No Labels conference, co-founder Mark McKinnon said Tuesday, and he answered questions without reservations to a "very tough and sometimes hostile audience."

"He walked right in, completely un-defensive, right into the buzz saw," McKinnon, a political adviser, told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program. "And it was interesting to see the impact on the room."

There were many in the audience who were suspicious, said McKinnon, but they still appreciated that he attended and answered questions without reservations.

"He took a lot of questions he knew were going to be tough," said McKinnon. "Let me clear up one thing. Many people think No Labels is bringing together people with the same views. It is just the opposite. Our goal is to bring people together. We have tea party members. We brought together Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump."

McKinnon said he had never seen anything like Trump in his 30-40 years in political life.

"All candidates, they get into a room and people ask questions and they want to pander," said McKinnon. "They want to make the questioner happy. He doesn't. He doesn't care. That is so refreshing, and it is authentic. That's what people really hunger for in American politics."



  1. You know, when somebody is a multi-BILLIONaire, they aren't going to be too concerned about what somebody thinks of them.. they'll just say what's on their mind.

    That's his strong suit. If anybody can drain the swamp, it will be The Donald. He won't be beholden to anybody.

  2. 410, you nailed it!

    Trump/Carson,Carson/ Trump, 206!

  3. Media will start to destroy them both in the next 10 months. I'm still voting for trump.


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