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Thursday, October 15, 2015

FBI head: Homegrown terrorist recruitment 24-hour threat

CINCINNATI (AP) — FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday the recruitment of potential homegrown terrorists by the Islamic State group is widespread and goes on “24 hours a day” across the United States.

Hundreds of people are “consuming” social media efforts to either draw them overseas to join the extremists “or if you can’t come, kill where you are,” Comey said. “And that is a two-pronged siren song that goes out through social media.”

He said Twitter, other instant messaging, and encrypted communications have made the recruiting efforts of extremists easier and pervasive over the past two years.

“So we have investigations in all 50 states to try to identify, among hundreds of people who are consuming this poison, where are they on the stages from consuming to acting, and how do we stop them from acting,” he said.



  1. Most of the "Homegrown" Terrorists all belong to one religion, and it ain't an American one!

  2. Lmao 5:41
    The government thinks the American people are the biggest terrorists to this country. It's amazing how fighting to save what's left of our Constitution and Bill of Rights constitutes as being a terrorist. In the sixties the hippies jammed DC and gave no cares. Now small groups only show to voice and are quickly arrested. We need Obama dead now! Muslims eradicated and the police held accountable. Finally most laws from the last fifty years should be repealed. Let our country become great again. God bless.


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