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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scientists Say: Making Your Bed in the Morning is Disgusting!

It can be hard to spend the extra time in the morning making your bed. We’re focused on getting started with our day or maybe we’re still tired. Perhaps you think you’ll just be getting back in the bed later and don’t see the point in spending time making the bed just to mess it up again later.

Well, researchers have given you a pass. Apparently not making your bed is beneficial to your health.

A Kingston University study says that dust mites cannot survive as easily in an unkept bed. Dust mites have been attributed to allergies and asthma and can cause a real problem, in addition to being disgusting. When we sleep, we sweat. When we make our beds, this creates a warm and damp condition that helps dust mites thrive.

Dr. Steven Pretlove essentially gives you a doctor’s note for not making your bed.



  1. I'm from the old school which called for leaving your bed unmade for a few hours after emerging from it, to let it "air out."

  2. 1:55 Maybe you should bathe more often.

  3. LOL-I do every night and my husband takes a shower. I don't allow dirty bodies in my bed. And I only allow white sheets and white towels because I buy bleach by the cases and I use it. Even the dog knows to wipe his paws before entering the house. Aren't you glad you aren't married to me 4:45.

  4. I'm of a differing opinion, I personally prefer things neat and orderly, so an unmade bed is not my personal taste. Wouldn't turning the heat down in that room be equally helpful to deter "sweating" for the buggies to feed off of?

    5:43 PM-kuddos for teaching you dog to wipe his paws, I have taught my dogs to come in sit on their special rug, while I clean their feet after being outdoors. They do this on their own now without my instruction.

  5. 4:45 doctors are now saying we bath too much, we only need to shower after vigorous activity or every 3 days. We are washing away valuable oils and this protects us against infections.
    Also, making the bed up you are killing the bugs, they need to breath after a hard night of eating the sloughed off skin cells.


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