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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Compulsive Texting Takes Toll

Does your teenager have a texting problem?

Teenagers use text messaging more than any other mode of communication, so it may be hard to tell. But youngsters who check their phones continually, snap if you interrupt them and are so preoccupied with texting that they skip sleep and don’t get their work done may be compulsive texters, a new study says. For girls, compulsive texting is more than just a distraction – it is also associated with lower academic performance.

The study of more than 400 eighth and 11th graders found that many teenage texters had a lot in common with compulsive gamblers, including losing sleep because of texting, problems cutting back on texting and lying to cover up the amount of time they spent texting.

“Compulsivity is more than just the number of texts teens are engaging in,” said Kelly M. Lister-Landman, the paper’s lead author and an assistant professor of psychology at Delaware County Community College in Media, Pa. “What is their relationship with phone use? Do they feel anxious when it’s not around them? When they sit down to eat dinner with their family, do they feel a need to check it? Do they feel compelled to look at it at all times, rather than just answering texts they get?

Over all, girls text compulsively at a far higher rate than boys do. And unlike girls, boys in the study who were compulsive texters were not at risk of doing poorly in school.

More here


  1. It is NOT just teens! My wife hasn't put the phone down in over a decade and she's almost 40! I use my phone; I don't let it use me.

  2. We'll see during the upcoming cyber attack just how much of a toll not being able to text takes.Things will get just terrible when people actually have to orally communicate with each other and traffic accidents are reduced 90%.

  3. "..Does your teenager have a texting problem?.."

    Do YOU have a texting problem?

    I refuse to get a 'smart' phone, and I refuse to text.

    Guess why.

  4. They should do this study at SU with the children walking to and from the college to their off premise living quarters! It would blow your mind.


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