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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Condemned Berlin Home’s Fate Unresolved For Now; Demolition Possible

BERLIN – What’s next?

That’s the question Washington Street residents are asking following a meeting of the town’s housing board of review that left the issue of the condemned and dilapidated home at 203 Washington St. unresolved. While some neighbors of the historic home want to see it saved, town officials say it’s headed toward demolition if it’s not brought up to code immediately.

“We don’t want it torn down. We just want it compliant with the code,” Washington Street resident Tom Sholtis said.

Sholtis was one of close to 20 town residents in attendance at Wednesday’s meeting of the Berlin Housing Board of Review. The board, which was defunct for nearly a decade, was recently reconvened to address a number of derelict homes within the town. The first case it considered was 203 Washington St., an 1878 home owned by Teresa Almony and Gary Lerner for the past three decades.



  1. Move in a bunch of homeless for the winter.

    1. And by spring, the rest of the houses on the block will be either vacant and rotting too, or on their way.

      Not all, but too many, homeless people are "homeless" because they've been given the chance, but proven beyond any doubt, that they were incapable or unwilling to conduct themselves in a manner, conducive to living indoors.

      Behave like a wild animal, live outdoors like one.


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