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Thursday, October 01, 2015

House Panel Votes to Scrap Obamacare Mandates

The House Ways and Means Committee moved Tuesday to chip away at Obamacare by using a fast-track budget tool to repeal the law’s most unpopular taxes and provisions, including the mandate requiring Americans to hold insurance.

Chairman Paul Ryan said the tool, known as reconciliation, offered congressional Republicans their best chance to voice their objections to the Affordable Care Act of 2010, as they only need majority support in the Senate to send a bill to the White House.

“It would dismantle this unworkable law,” Mr. Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, said of his panel’s recommendations.

The panel voted along party lines, 23-14, to repeal insurance mandates on individuals and large employers and levies on medical devices and generous health care plans. It also voted by voice to scrap a panel set up under the health law to rein in Medicare costs.

Democrats used reconciliation to help pass Obamacare in 2010, although Mr. Obama would still maintain a veto over whatever repeal bill Congress passes this time around. Still, the GOP wants to prove it can repeal Obamacare with a Republican president in 2017 even if they cannot win a filibuster-proof majority of 60 votes in the Senate.

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1 comment:

  1. King Obama will rubber-stamp a veto, and make some mealy-mouthed speech about how the "right" to health insurance is being stripped away by those heartless Republicans.


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