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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Cultural Surrenderists

While many believe the most dangerous people in the world today are Islamic fanatics, they are mistaken. The pale in comparison to the Cultural Surrenderists (CS).

The Cultural Surrenderists — on both sides of the Atlantic — are those who believe Western culture is something for which they owe the world an ongoing apology. That apology manifests itself in a number of ways, the foremost of which are the contemptible concepts known as multiculturalism and diversity. Both of them are based on the idea that all cultures, customs, religions and belief systems are equally viable, and that no one societal ethos is better than any other.

Of course, none of these CSers can reconcile that ridiculous assertion with the inconvenient reality that millions upon millions of people are beating a path to both Western Europe and the United States at unprecedented levels. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that a de-facto narco state like Mexico, a bloodthirsty dictatorship like Syria, a nihilistic theocracy like Iran, or the various hellholes that dot the horn of Africa are essentially interchangeable with democratic republics at the forefront of enlightened thinking, the rule of law, equal rights for women and minorities, and some of the highest standards of living in the world.

The first casualty of such intellectual bankruptcy is assimilation...


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