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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Topless Feminist Protesters Dragged Off Stage, Beaten At Muslim Event

At a Muslim conference in Pontoise, France, two feminist activists stormed the stage with messages in French reading “No one makes me submit” written across their exposed bodies.

The women, as yet unidentified, are suspected of being associated with the group “Femen,” a left-wing feminist group in Europe know for using nudity in their protests. Both had “Femen” written on their backs.



  1. Those women are Herod!!!

  2. The women are disgusting and have no shame but with that being said they are lucky that they were not raped or beaten to death. Women have no respect in the Muslim religion.

  3. Where are the COWARD men to help out while being kicked? ,,fn pos.

  4. At least they aren't fat like most american women.

  5. Well, I am glad this was posted, to keep us all, a breast, of the situation.

  6. Topless women rule!

  7. Muslim men are suppose to kill them selves if they see a naked woman wonder what happened here not real Muslims

  8. this was a muslim event, who do you suppose would step in to save these women? in the muslim culture, women like this would be killed. these are lucky to be alive and also very stupid. i don't agree with any of the muslim teachings, but you won't catch me risking my life to demonstrate it in an all muslim crowd.

  9. These women ruled the room. Their brave actions showed how scared the muslims are of free thinking women who don't submit to cavemen.

  10. The look on the face of the one guy is priceless. You would have thought it was Godzilla running onto the stage instead of a woman.

  11. typical liberals shoving indecency in others' faces

    1. NO there against male domination and women slavery,Fool.

  12. They are lucky they got out of there with their heads!


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