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Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 19th is "Thank A Police Officer Day"

We want to show our support and appreciation for law enforcement officers everywhere! This is a nationwide event encouraging you acknowledge them, tell us where you are from and share your favorite LEO or department with us.

September 19th is "Thank A Police Officer Day" and we want them to know WE CARE. Here in our local Delmarva area we are working on cards and other surprises :) What will you be doing ? Here are some ideas ~

• tell a LEO they are appreciated!
• go blue with a ribbon of support in your front yard
• write cards with messages of support
• share your favorite local department here
• buy a coffee or a meal for an officer
• have your kids write a letter saying thank you
• host a card-making event with friends or coworkers
• deliver a tray of goodies from a local bakery
• give a shout-out of appreciation on the radio

Note: it is probably best to call ahead to any locations you will be visiting on either Friday 9/18 or the morning of Saturday 9/19. Not all departments have regular staffed offices.

Some agencies have advised that they are leery of eating homemade gifts for safety reasons so prepackaged foods or items from restaurants and bakeries is likely the best option.

This began in our local area, thus the wording "Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement"....and then it grew from there. We encourage EVERYONE in all locations to participate in this effort to thank those who serve.



  1. Buy a meal or coffee? Seriously? They make 60k a yr plus perks. They need to buy me a meal.and they're leary of eating homemade foods? Best damn cooking in Maryland is here on the shore. Worried some old lady will poison them but eats from fast food drive thru lmao. How about the police have a thank a citizen day? Scratch that. Be another reason to just run names and arrest folks.

  2. The only thing they have done for me is give me tickets and cause me heartache. There is no way I am thanking someone for that. Why also do I need to thank someone for doing their job. Should I go give the mayor a kiss for being the mayor in tough times.

  3. I dont want your hand outs. I get thanked every two weeks. Nor do I need the praise I do it because I have the balls to do it and want to help all people. Yes even you haters get my utmost respect. Have a Delmarvalous Day. I never take gratuties or freebies I love looking out for those who need it.

    Thanks Joe for the post.

  4. Thank you, officers. Yours is a job that goes unappreciated by most.

  5. No 1:44, You caused yourself the headaches from tickets.

  6. F-um! Crooks with badges everyone of them. Glad to read it when one is killed.

    1. 528 I wish you would leave your name so we can meet.

  7. 5:28 can't wait to you get blasted!

  8. Cops can't get blasted here in Sumsbury because they won't leave the donut shop.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I dont want your hand outs. I get thanked every two weeks. Nor do I need the praise I do it because I have the balls to do it and want to help all people. Yes even you haters get my utmost respect. Have a Delmarvalous Day. I never take gratuties or freebies I love looking out for those who need it.

    Thanks Joe for the post.

    September 14, 2015 at 2:19 PM

    you don't need balls to be a kop. you are 14th in the most dangerous jobs list. a freaking bartender has a more dangerous job that you whiners and even a garbage man has a more dangerous job. but you guys are near the top when it comes to abuse and lying. stop with the bs


  10. I would never of thought cops would get this kind of flack.A few bad apples have truly spoiled the whole bunch.Keep writing those reports and profiling the races,I am sure things will turn around soon.I wouldn't eat home cooked food given to you sounds like people don't want you to have a nice day.

  11. 2:19 Good for you. I don't know many people that could do the job you folks do. Thank you for your service and not taking gratuities. As for the poster who says your job is not dangerous he or she is wrong. Many variables to those numbers. If you look at being killed by another human being I am sure police are way up on the list. Who says Bar Tender is a more dangerous job but a drunken fool.

    Police and Fire have my support thank you for what you do

  12. There are kids in Baltimore High Schools wearing shirts that say,
    "The only good cop, is a dead one", and since they're members of the black community, no one is being told to turn them inside out, or remove them.

  13. @10:37 The BLS (bureau of labor statistics) says so. Look it up before making foolish comments.

  14. If you look at being killed by another human being I am sure police are way up on the list. Who says Bar Tender is a more dangerous job but a drunken fool.

    Police and Fire have my support thank you for what you do

    September 15, 2015 at 10:37 AM

    You are just another uninformed idiot who believes opinions are facts. Cops die from heart attacks and car wreck just as much, if not more, than gunshots. 81 a year, maybe? Get real.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    528 I wish you would leave your name so we can meet.

    September 20, 2015 at 8:32 PM

    whatever for?

  16. This is why we had the campaign, because the disrespect is thick and not the majority. The majority cares, we know Police officers have to step into domestic violence - crime on crime- and situations that could end all wrong at any given moment.
    Those of you that leave hate comments for police officers, please, don't call them when you need help. Rely on something else to get you through the robbery, the panic, and the crime.
    I am sickened at how everyone gets lumped into the same category and I am really tired of watching people commit crimes then whine because they have to be accountable for their sin.
    I pray daily for police officers, and if you are an officer responding in a negative way to those talking rudely about/to you; Ignore them, their ignorance speaks for themselves.
    I am grateful that we have the protection we need, because even here, listening to the anger and bile coming from 'citizens' who can only use rude and sickening comments to voice their opinion about police offers, allows my mind to already know who the problem is in that situation.


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