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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rehoboth Beach man declares war on sidewalk cyclists

Wayne Hodge says it's a fight for survival on the sidewalks of Rehoboth Beach.

He's declared war on bicyclists who choose to ride on sidewalks, especially in the area around the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal bridge. He's mad as hell and not taking it anymore.

In an Aug. 21 letter to the Cape Gazette, Hodge warns cyclists: “Let this be a warning to all bike riders on the sidewalk, I will no longer jump out of your way. From now on, you either get off your bike and walk it on the sidewalk and across the bridge, or you hit me. And if it comes to the point you are going to hit me, be forewarned I will knock you into traffic before I allow you to injure me or my dog.”

Since he wrote the letter, he's already had several confrontations with cyclists who were forced to stop because he would not jump out of their way. “I engage in a conversation telling them what they are doing wrong and usually end up getting cursed,” he said.



  1. In Delaware that is terroristic threatening. Why has this man not been arrested?

  2. good for him,sidewalks are for pedestrians only. Bicycles are considered no different than vehicles. The majority of bicyclists feel entitled to take up more than their share of not only sidewalks but the overall road as well.

    1. Really? No bike lanes .....I'd deal with this screw ball quicker than a visiting drunk in his vehicle.

  3. This guy is in the right - bicycles are supposed to be ridden on the street! Bicyclists are supposed to obey traffic laws as if they were a car or motorcycle!

    I hope he does knock somebody in to the road.....then I hope they don't get hit by a car or motorcycle driver.....!

  4. The ignorance of bicyclists is right up their with skateboarders.
    The cursing doesn't surprise me either as their classlessness is on the same level as the skateboarders too.

  5. Gays get nastier when they get old.

  6. Good for him. I would carry a baseball bat.

  7. I'm fed up the these girly men on bikes taking up the whole road 4 or 5 wide. They claim they have the right to ride in the road/travel lanes but they seldom come to a complete stop at a light or stop sign. They cannot have it both ways. Either you are treated like a vehicle and obey the traffic devices or stay out of the travel lanes.

  8. He is absolutely right.

  9. Reminds me of a popular video on youtube. Crazy woman started screaming at a bike rider. An off duty NYPD officer nearly 5150'd her. She was nuts, and so is this guy.

  10. Rehoboth doesn't own the bridge, just operates it. Cyclists are allowed on the bridge sidewalk but once they cross the eastern side they have to abide by Rehoboth laws. Let him push just one person and see how quickly his attitude gets him an assault charge.

    Oh yeah I used to work at a restaurant in town he frequented often. This dude is a HUGE pain to deal with. Nobody wanted to wait on him, he'd cry and complain about everything. Just an all around self entitled prick.

    1. Exactly, Rehoboth doesn't own the bridge. This Hodges guy is just another gay that thinks the world owes him something.

  11. If he confronts a straight person is that a hate crime..

  12. little gay town and little gay people can't get along?

    1. I've known this man child for years this is typical of him. He doesn't even live in town lol.

  13. if you wimps can't ride in the roadway where you belong, stay home. kids under 12 are allowed on the sidewalks. I guess that's what your mentality is, a 12 year old.....or younger

  14. At last falls OC end of summer cruise a large crowd was on the sidewalk watching the aftermath of some idiot tearing up a $50k Camaro. Early Sunday morning at that. Here comes some cyclists down the sidewalk, "excuse me, excuse me" to at least 50 people. Right next to the bike lane. Probably the same self entitled idiots from across the big water that come in for the Sea Gull Century. We make it a point to leave town for that dog and pony show.

  15. And cyclists can say if he doesnt move theyll knock him into traffic. may the best idiot win!

  16. What is the big deal who cares who owns the bridge? IT IS A LAW! Get over it!

    1. Because its not a law until you cross the eastern side of the bridge!

  17. You want to stop bikes on the sidewalk, put down glass beads for painting lines in roads, they will fall every time they try to ride across them.

  18. the law states that the bike rider must yield to the pedestrian.

  19. state law, rehobo has their own too


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