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Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Home invasions over the weekend

fyi, there was a third armed robbery in cedar crossing last night. 2 black males with a handgun per SU bulletin. thats 3 in a week on the same street.


  1. And yet they act all offended and outraged when we're suspicious of them. It isn't "racist" to be wary and avoid people who look like threats to our personal safety and property. There is a very good reason we lock our doors when we see young black males.

  2. Simple answer. Have personal protection in your residence. I wish to harm no one, but I will in order to protect my family and property.

  3. And I bet not a cop is seen till after the fact. A unit needs to be placed there in that area for a good solid month. Police presence deters criminals. Sick of the SPD and sheriff's responding after the fact. They claim they want to be proactive but are unable do to people complaining about racism etc.... Here is a thought. Don't get out to mess with petty stupid stuff. Patrol and get out when you see or hear doors being kicked in or a door has been kicked in. And these cops want a thank an officer day. For what? Shuffling prisoners from Walmart to jail? Writing repair orders for tag lights out and whatever else they can get from that excuse?

    1. I agree, police presence deters criminals, but common sense tells me It is impossible for Policemen to be in all places at all times. . In general the Police Dept is called after the fact - because there is no fact before the crime. is committed. If you see a youn'um, , after dark in your neighborhood,, what do you do? People need to protect their welfare and be diligent to their surroundings. Call the police if you see something suspious, It is so much easier to "blame a cop" when a crime is committed. This is a nation-wide problem not just in Salisbury.

    2. In situations like this when a specific area is targrted..... The police need to stake out the area. Disguise cops as students and figure this out . How are they gonna explain to a dead students parent that they filed a report like the others in the past? Parents first thought ,you knew the kids were being targeted and you didn't do anything about it but file a report? Failure to protect its citizens. Either Salisbury PD or the campus police will be in court shelling out millions.

  4. Why don't you keep your doors locked anyway? (whether you see a black male or not)

  5. That's the way they live. Been that way for decades. I for one don't trust any of them. I learned this the hard way as I'm sure many of us did. Don't blame me! ! Blame yourselves! !

  6. Don't worry once the parents begin to take their kids out of SU the president might get off her dead ass.

    1. Yep obviously the parents didn't do there homework in Salisbury crime.

  7. @12:48 I don't lock my doors. Must be sad to live in fear.

    1. I don't have to, in my neighborhood, either. But I make sure my car doors are locked if I have to drive through a bad area.

    2. Where you live at? See how fearless you are.

  8. need to get some door signs. - we shoot then dial 911 and insured by smith and Wesson

  9. Wait a minute, how can this be? owemalley stopped all this with his gun control bull didn't he?

  10. "@12:48 I don't lock my doors. Must be sad to live in fear." Since when is practicing a little common sense considered 'living in fear'?

  11. Why don't they make it a "gun free zone" so it will be safe?


    l o l

  12. 4:29 Locked doors keep you in and it certainly does not keep a criminal out. Will it deter a stupid kid playing around yes but not a criminal. The only thing it does is slow them down a bit and ensure that you need to replace a door after they are done robbing you. Why is it common sense? It makes no sense to me. If you are that scared of what is outside, maybe you should move to a safer area.

  13. You mean all these young liberals who detest guns are being robbed? This is why young liberals become middle aged conservatives.... it's easy to talk the talk till you become a victim, and have to call people with guns to save you.

    1. 1000% correct they are the draft dodging type.

    2. Dems hate guns but love calling Armed cops when they need them.

  14. "Why is it common sense? It makes no sense to me. If you are that scared of what is outside, maybe you should move to a safer area."

    It is really very simple, 5:29. You're right that a locked door won't necessarily stop someone. It will, however, delay them a moment and hopefully alert me or the dog to their presence. At which point, I'm armed, the dog is pissed, and anybody breaking in to my house is the one who should be scared. Not that difficult.

  15. Janet Dudley is paid over $750,000 when everything is added in. At least 20% of the faculty are paid over $100,000 and virtually all the higher administrators make over $100,000. You would think there would be money available to hire additional police to adequately protect the student body.


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