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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pastor Accused Of Attempting To Incite Riot Shares His Side Of The Story

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The Baltimore pastor accused of attempting to incite a riot spoke out Monday with his attorney at his side. They’re accusing police of arresting the pastor simply to stop protests and keep him silent. WJZ was first to break the story.

Derek Valcourt has more on the arrest and the fallout.

West and his attorney say he was arrested on bogus, trumped up charges. That’s not how police see it.

Police say the video speaks for itself. Taken by police helicopter, they claim it shows Reverend Westley West stopping traffic in the middle of Pratt Street and slamming his megaphone into the hood of a red pickup truck during Freddie Gray protests at a court hearing on September 2.



  1. So he's going to continue "peacefully protesting"?

    Then I hope he is just as "peacefully" arrested.

    What the hell is wrong with those people, anyway?

  2. Does he set the example for the black children(so they call them)of Baltimore? The children of destruction , theft and murder.
    What the hell does he preach ?

  3. I love how these people can talk out both sides of their mouths. Didn't give a damn when he wanted to incite anger but now the camera is gone and people have all but forgotten Baltimore. People don't care about Baltimore. They showed their true colors. But now he's looking to get his payday like the rest. NO SHAME! !

  4. He said he knew how Freddie Gray felt when he was arrested , that just tells me he must have a very similar arrest record.

  5. This so called "pastor" has an arrest record that makes Freddie Gray look like a saint , domestic violence , many criminal charges , on and on , two pages of his demon history . Westley west of Baltimore is a hero because of his lies , he is satanic.

  6. There is no "legal protest" when you stop people's free passage by blocking their route. Let alone intimidate and destroy property.

  7. Lock him up. He is denying people their civil right to travel freely.

  8. Pastor Westley West , he is one of the biggest thugs with an arrest record a mile long. These arrest are documented and continue 2015 , 2014 etc. , etc. many in the 2000 -2015 . Where did this this guy learn his religion with any ethics or understanding of God?

  9. Another Sharpton / Jackson wannabe!

    And should be jailed like them!

  10. When I was a kid in the 50's, a nurse from Union Memorial Hospital was accosted and robbed in my neighborhood. Just some bruises and scrapes, and lost her purse.
    The story made headlines in the Baltimore Sun. Front page - above the fold.
    A few years ago on the same street, two people were shot and killed.
    There was no story. Just their names listed in the "Crime Beat" section.
    The point is that the people of Baltimore are so deeply ensconced in this violent, lawless lifestyle, that it seems normal to them.
    They don't care. And at this point, neither do I.
    Baltimore is a dead city. There is no way back. Let the BCPD back off, and let those people have at it.

  11. So true 7:45. Often times the murders don't even make it to the Crime Beat section anymore and you have to look to the interactive murder map on the Sun's website to find the yearly tallies of murders.
    A lot of the local Baltimore media outlets don't report the murders at all or the shootings. It's just too common place anymore.
    The only place to get current updates is on the Baltimore Police Dept's Facebook page.

  12. 7:45 Amen let the meek inherit that city. Who wants it. That city is dead to me as well. I have some fond memories of Charles St. and Memorial Stadium as a child. Now all I see is death and racism. What shame. Anyone wonder why the State Police were not welcome in Baltimore. That says it all Baltimore is crooked from the bottom to the top. Free the Baltimore Six

  13. Peaceful protests are not allowed in the middle of the street. When they move out into traffic and impede someone's ability to travel down the road they have moved away from the "peaceful protest." At that point those people who are being blocked are "forced" into the protest. There is nothing peaceful about that. This pastor is looking to get a check like Freddie Gray's family did, that is why he "feels like Freddie Gray."

  14. Should have beaten him down.

    1. But that would be a "hate crime"...and the DOJ would be all over it for denying him his "civil rights",

      Because denying someone the right to drive down the street unmolested, in pursuit of their own life, liberty and happiness isn't a concern.


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