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Sunday, September 20, 2015


Lawyers for Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis have filed a petition with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to stop a district judge’s demand that she and her office issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Her legal team with the non-profit Liberty Counsel also will file a lawsuit against Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, accusing him of failing to accommodate her Christian faith.

Liberty Counsel said Monday the appeals court has ordered an expedited process for at least one part of Davis’ case with District Judge David Bunning. He was the judge who ordered Davis to resume issuing marriage licenses and sent her to jail for refusing to comply. Later, Bunning expanded his order to cover any same-sex couple seeking a marriage license.


  1. What Davis is asking for is not an accommodation at all, but for the right to declare, by fiat, that Rowan County, Kentucky, is a mini-theocracy not beholden to the laws of the land, but by the whims of Kim Davis. Her legal team wants you to see her as a sweet but faithful woman, but in fact she’s trying to pull a coup here, claiming that “God’s authority” — read Kim Davis’s authority — trumps our entire democratic system

    1. Aren't we a little sensational today??? It's her believe. What would you do if someone or thing made you do something against your beliefs?? Just like the guys do but you gsy loving liberals don't like it. So tolerable are you.

  2. What a galactic waste of time and taxpayer money.

  3. Kentucky should make her personally pay every dime it takes defend this lawsuit.

  4. Hey the Muslims and gays can do it, good luck to her

  5. so whats the diff. gays force people of faith to make them a cake even though they could go to another baker they force a b&b to close because they did not want to hold a gay wedding at there place so lets just appease the gays and forget people of faith

  6. Notice she won't go after the Supreme Court who is responsible for this mess.

  7. uh, really 12:22??? Its called Civil Rights. We all have basic civil rights in this country. We all have the right to be treated equally. If you are businessman in the business of selling cakes, you must treat your clients equally. IF you are in the business (elected business no less!) of providing marriage licenses, then you are legally obligated to do so for all eligible people, equally. She has a right to her religion. I share her religion. What she doesn't have is the right to break the law. It's really very simple.

  8. I don't understand the argument here. It seems totally wrong.

    Clinton's Defense of Marriage Act defined marriage as being between a man and a woman.

    The Supreme Court can't make law. It can only evaluate and interpret laws.

    So if they say that the Defense of Marriage Law is unconstitutional, it gets struck from the books. Fair enough.

    That leaves no legal federal definition of marriage. (To be honest, I'm not sure why one is even needed, since the regulation of marriage is not in the constitution as a role for the federal government, so it should just be a matter for the states).

    Kentucky defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. That is the relevant law that should be applied in this case.

    It seems like a bad argument to make it about one's personal religious views, when she appears to be properly working within Kentucky's laws. She issues marriage licenses in Kentucky, after all.

  9. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus KJV

  10. Not doing your job doesn't make you a martyr. It makes you a bad employee. Do your job, Kim Davis, or find a new one.

  11. This judge is out of control. He even made himself the supervisor of the clerks office. He needs be fired and arrested for false imprisonment and any other thet can figure.

  12. 4:53. Wait until her job is issuing a marriage license to a 25 year old man and a 13 year old girl..... That is what is on the horizon.

  13. 9:43
    I'm waiting for them to have more than one spouse. Can you imagine a liberal having to share a spouse with someone. Their meltdowns will be entertaining.

  14. I am so tired of seeing this sea-hag all over the news.Do your damn job or resign.

  15. All of this was planned by her and her attorney. All planned. She will settled.


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