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Sunday, September 20, 2015

CNN Poll: Nearly 1 in 3 Americans Believe Obama Is a Muslim

According to a new CNN poll, almost one third of Americans now believe President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

The poll found 39% of respondents thought Obama Protestant/Christian 39%, 29% thought him a Muslim, 11% believed him to be non-religious, 4% thought him a Catholic, 2% thought him a Mormon, 1% thought him Jewish, 1% believed him something else, and 14% had no opinion.

College graduates appeared to be the group most inclined to believe Obama’s protestations that he is a Christian; 63% took Obama at his word. Only 28% of those without a college degree believed Obama to be telling the truth about his faith. Predictably, 61% of Democrats believed Obama, compared to 32% of independents and a paltry 28% of Republicans.



  1. I think 1 in 3 know he is also an idiot.

  2. Actions speak louder than words!!

  3. Never seen a picture of him eating bacon.

  4. Also, never have seen a picture of him celebrating Christmas - always in Hawaii, hiding away or whatever it is Muslims do for that holiday.

  5. He's Muslim, illegal alien, and ALL we come out in the end. He can run but he can't hide.

  6. His REAL NAME is Barry Santose!!!

  7. His REAL NAME is Barry Santose!!!

  8. It dosen't matter, the damage has been done.

  9. Who knows anything with him other than he is a pathological liar.

  10. He was brought here when he was 2 to Hawaii. by his muslim mother.

  11. He's admitted it. He's sided with them. He's armed them. He's killed their enemies in the Middle East. How can you NOT know this?

  12. just check his social security number. It belonged to a white guy from Connecticut who died years ago.

    why nobody cares is the bigger mystery.

  13. What is sad is that more don't believe this. And even sadder is that no one is trying to do anything about it.

  14. This article also says a lot about college graduates.. they seem to be the ones buying into his BS.

  15. "why nobody cares is the bigger mystery.

    September 15, 2015 at 8:48 AM"

    No it's not a mystery at all. Just look all around you. Not by anyone's stretch of the imagination are the obama supporters good decent people. They are a people completely and totally void of any morals, honesty and all the other good character traits that make for a civil society. This is why there is chaos in all the inner cities.

  16. And the other 2/3s say he's Islamic

  17. Very surprised this number isn't higher. Someone is sleeping...

  18. He doesn't wear a watch during ramadan.

  19. He's a Progressive hell bent on breaking down America so it can be split up by other countries.


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