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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Can today's problems be because we stopped this?


  1. No I am not going to hit my children because I can when I cant even punch the people at work who really deserve it.

    1. this doesn't say anything about abuse. Has nothing to do with getting your kids when you can. I'm sorry you had such crappy parents!

    2. Your not supposed to punch people at work. Wow, your really a lost cause.

  2. yes indeed
    Spare the rod and spoil the child, was never more true than today.
    The younger ones today know no respect for anyone or anything.
    Sad but true

  3. that's why the people at your work act that way since they were never corrected as a child and don't think they'll ever get hit.

  4. Child abuse...that's just sick to glorify it! But on this website it WILL be glorified.

  5. If you look at the behavior of children from the time spanking was allowed compared to the Era of "Time Outs" you can see a dramatic difference.

    It is very rare to see a well behaved child in a store. When I worked at a computer repair store 90% of the time the kids that came in with the parents were running around the shop. Running behind the counter, grabbing things off the shelves.

    That rarely ever happened when I was a kid in the 80's. Now its the norm and most of these spoiled children from the early 90's have grown up to be rotten adults that are very self centered.

    I spanked my child when he did something extremely wrong and he is thankful for the way he was raised because he can see how the other kids misbehave.

    I knew better than to piss off my dad and my son knew when he was about to cross the line as well and often all it took was a certain look from me and he would know that if his misbehavior progressed any further he was gonna get it. As a result he behaved and also had a healthy respect for my authority as a parent.

    Spanking for every little thing is not right but sometimes its a good way to show kids that there is a line and when they cross it there are serious consequences for those actions. This teaches them that valuable lesson in life.

  6. Why are are prisons full of adults that were beaten as children? Statistics show that nearly all of our prison inmates, men and women, were beaten as children. It kind of invalidates the notion that it is a good thing to do. If it changes behavior, then our prisons indicate it is for the worse. The psychological ramifications are noticeable in the comments. It is strange how the abused learn that THEY were wrong and end up supporting the abuse, as adults. It screws up a child's brain when the ones that supposedly love them inflict physical harm on them. The only way a child can reconcile that is to associate the abuse with love. Then they grow up and say it was a good thing. Patty Hearst joined her abusers after she was starved, beaten, and locked in a closet. She ended up loving those folks. Those who still love their abusive parents have the Stockhold Syndrome, although in somewhat a lesser degree. That the injustice was done to them as children, and that they, as adults, end up believing it was good for them. It is ironic that they almost always say that it made them a better person and kept them out of trouble (not), while the mindset continues to keep our prisons full.

    1. Studies say alot about inmates. Most have mental disorders, drug problems, sexually abused yadda yadda yadda. ......
      Real simple folks. When did the government start saying no more spankings? Then look at when the kids started being conformed. Then look at kids killing kids in school... Or the ghetto kids tbat run rampant in the city. There is a fine time line that shows what has happened when you don't spank your child. 9:48 is 100% correct.

  7. Yes, to all the things mentioned!
    We/they were also taught respect for others, older adults, relatives, people at the store, neighbors, friends, teachers.
    I am thankful that our children are raising our grandchildren to be respectful, to say please and thank you, and to love life.
    We don't see that at all today!

  8. Any adult who hits a child is an adult that is out of control. Nothing to be glorified.

    1. How about an adult who is in complete control and gonna ensure that respect and commonsense is distilled in their child. Our of control is a parent who lets their kids do whatever they want and then reprimands them. I'd rather spank my kids young so they will learn to think about what will happen before they mess up. If the worst I dealt with is verbal and timeouts repremands I'd care not what I do. But if I'm going to be spanked I'd more than likely think more about messing up.

  9. Maybe Michael Brown & Freddie Gray's parents should have used this method to correct their children; they might not be where they are today!

  10. 10:31 There is a big difference between being beaten and a spanking.

    Really almost all kids were spanked up until the early 90's. Was most of the population of the USA suffering from mental disorders from abuse because of that ?

    Fact is that much of the mass shootings didn't start until the generation of "Time outs" started to come of age.

    Now if a kid acts out instead of paddling their buts they get put on some drug and then when they grow up they turn into emotionless zombies that lack any form of empathy and go off to kill others.

    The Columbine shooting was in 1998 and the kids that did the shooting were 17 and 18 years old. They were right at the start of this age where kids were no longer disciplined. Its just gotten worse as these Time Out kids have grown up and raised their own children with even less discipline.

    Bottom line is that pretty much everyone I knew would have gotten a spanking if the issue was serious enough and I refuse to believe that everyone from the late 80's on back were all abused by their parents.

    Look at the animal kingdom. If a pup gets out of line the mother snaps at them. Does the mother hurt their young ? No, but it teaches the young that there are severe consequences for really bad behavior and that lack of teaching combined with drugging our kids plays a large role in what is happening in society today.

    I respectfully ask you to reflect on if American society in general is a better place since we stopped paddling and or spanking our children.

    I certainly do not recall the fear of Movie, School and mall mass shootings like we have today.

  11. And, the next person of authority, who try to wipe me will cause me to go down deep and dirty into the pits of hell just to come back and whooped that azz to death. That's what whooping do to the minds of children. It cause deep rooted hatred towards authority.

  12. 2:41 PM

    Holy Crap! You get it! I feel like I'm surrounded by the uninformed who draw inferences and conclusions where there are none. No one seems to realize why they think that because it was done to them by parents without the proper skills to act otherwise, then it must be okay, and that they turned out okay (other than they do the same thing to their kids). They have no idea what their parents did to them by using objects to inflict maximum pain on them, and telling them it was because the parent "loved" them. Screwed up children, become screwed up adults, who can no longer tell right from wrong, when it comes to child rearing. Unless they seek counseling, they never understand what happened to them and how it skews their rational thought process, as adults. This is deeply ingrained stuff in teh minds of those who promote corporal punishment, with boards, switches, and belts, no less. These people really believe that they turned out okay and fail to see that by supporting, condoning, and perpetuating what their parents did to them, they are not becoming better parents, rather, they are failing, as well. How can anyone inflict pain, real physical pain, on their child, and call it love? The ones that do, don't even realize how sick that is. Those scars come from their childhood, and what their parents did to them.

    1. I guess you learned this where? College behavior classes? Psych 101? Give me a break. History proves you are a nut job. I'm a very successful person and so are my siblings. Along with most folks I know who where spanked as a child. By the time I was 6 and in school ,I never had another ass whooping. I thought before I acted. Learned that I can think it but better not say it. So many lessons learned that kids in the last 20 years have no idea of.

  13. "Wild Child" is probably sitting in a prison somewhere, as a result of what mom, dad, granny, and the schools did to him. He loves them for abusing him and calling it love. It is a very messed up idea of love, but ingrained in Wild Child's mind forever. He will go on to do it to his kids, and expect them to thank him for doing it. Weird how that works when you mess with a child's mind like that.

  14. Many successful people are child abusers. What's your point? Are you trying to "put down" a college education because you don't have one. I won't even ask you how "history" proves someone a nutjob. I hate to think of what you think history is, when you think so little of higher education. I guess you are self taught, and know more than all the people that have dedicated their lives and careers to research, gathering empirical evidence, and publishing proven theories on many subjects. Apparently all you have is an opinion, and not an education on the subject.

    1. Educated people can see a timeline when presented 6:48. It's flipping not rocket science. What is science is how the hell they taught a sheep to type! Enlighten us.

  15. Oh, that's good...ignorant, but good. You took Name Calling 101. You don't know science from shinola. And you think sheep type. You're humorous, but not too bright. A timeline is not cause and effect you uneducated moron. It is not empirical evidence and linear regression analysis. Your "timeline" is hogwash and meaningless. It's JUST a timeline, a list of events in chronological order. Anybody can make a list, even you. Nothing but an opinion is inferred from a list. Not only that, it is an uninformed opinion.

  16. That "Bored of Education" is not very effective. The maker did't even know how to spell the word "board". It is typical of one who holds such outdated views of corporal punishment.

  17. The reason some are in jail who state they were abused is simply they never learned to listen, society teaches now that time out is the way, and spanking is a crime. Well I know I was beat with a belt when I didn't behave, or got to pick a cherry branch off the tree, but I learned respect, and later thanked my parents. When my son got older and was working he said he couldn't stand the brats in the stores pulling things and knocking things over, and parents who were blind to anything they did. Prisoners would be fewer and would know they put themselves there.


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