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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Man Held For Weeks In Wicomico Solitary Confinement Sues

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) — A blind man who was held for about 6 weeks in solitary confinement at the Wicomico County Detention Center has sued the county corrections department.

The Daily Record reports Abdul Malik Muhammad filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Baltimore on Thursday. The lawsuit says Muhammad was placed in solitary confinement because he is blind and was denied a job and access to the jail’s law library because of his disability.

Muhammad was arrested for allegedly stealing from a supermarket and booked into the detention center in September 2012.



  1. you can't bunk a blind guy with another inmate to make sure they are protected from being abused.

    i hate wcdc, but you have to know that there would be another lawsuit saying he wasn't protected if they hadn't protected him in this way.

  2. Let's see here....another Muhammad?? Where does this end?

  3. I haven't seen reference to his degree of blindness but my guess is that he is legally blind.If he stole items from a store he had to be able to discern those items,and no sane person would have walked him to a specific aisle and placed said items in his hand or on his person.He can see some.

  4. And why in the he** couldn't they have given him a bunk WITHOUT a roommate? One of these days something is going to rise up really ugly out of that hellhole. The guards are worse than 75% of the inmates - they allow friends and family members to have cellphones, perfume, drugs, anything they want. Someone needs to get themselves in there undercover (yes, I am dead serious) and expose the unbelievable crap that goes on in there. Residential areas that don't get below 80 degrees in the dead of winter. Commissary dishonesty and favoritism. Total lack of communication - if you are "inexperienced", heaven help you. NO answers or worse deliberate wrong answers. Think there is discrimination based on color in our society - try being white, asian or anything NOT black in WCDC. Let's remember that for many inmates, they are there awaiting trial - not even convicted of anything. The filth is unbelievable. The food is prepared with a budget of something a little less than $1 a day. Yes, $1 a day.
    I hope this man gets millions! Can you imagine being in the dark already (not trying to be funny, but being blind in an unfamiliar environment with no help or compassion can not be anything other than freaking terrifying) and then kept in a little box of a room with almost no human contact for 50 days or so. Brutal. Wrong.

    1. Over crowded. Sleep on the floor for a month before you get a cell.

    2. 802. He was in medical unit. He ate 6 times a day. It's all bs but you are a frequent flyer.

  5. That's your leadership there. Was a set up from the beginning. They fell for it from the beginning from the Warden down. Check their policies out and you find nothing in their procedures to cover the handling of these incidents. Now the tax payers with suffer. They closed the Baltimore City Jail which I don't want that to happen here, however the Staffing/Training need to be looked at closely. This has been needed to long there. This is the end result and I am sure more will be coming. Do not blame the staff when no leadership is provided.

  6. Okay culver earn your pay!

  7. the blind guy had human contact every 20 minutes for wellness checks. it's just a sob story without merit.

    1. I can tell you now that even though our s.o.p says twenty minute checks that it dosent happen.

  8. Thought he was home ?

  9. If he had stole in his country, they would have cut his hand off.

  10. He's not a foreigner, he's a converted muslim that is drawing SSDI for being legally blind.

  11. Absolute without a doubt amateur reporting. The court filings are right online for anyone to view. He was not held in "solitary confinement." He was confined to the medical area of the detention center.
    In case anyone is interested he stole 3 containers of crab meat, 4 containers of oysters and 1 container of strawberries. He wasn't be held on this but because he violated probation (CDS conviction).
    He is legally blind and has glaucoma. He can "perceive light" and if I had to guess I'd say he can "perceive" a lot more than he's letting on. He could see enough to steal crab meat and oysters afterall. I don't think they have braille labels do they?

  12. It's not solitary confinement, it's called protective segregation. That you are alone in your cell is only because you need protection from the general population and not a punishment.
    Of course, if your behavior is that of an AH, you might find yourself in segregation because of your actions, but, again, not as a punishment, per se, but because those actions are disruptive to the official routine of the jail.

  13. medical area is like a solitary cell, but with neighbors you can speak to through your little cell door or the food slot. It sucks, but when you don't fit in anywhere else, what's the jail to do. And he can see lots of colors and light in one eye, but fits in the legally blind category.

  14. What a complete dope. The low life thief doesn't use the brain GOD gave him and yes it's GOD and not alla or how ever the hell it's spelled.
    What did this thief think jail was going to be the Hilton or something.
    Stop committing crimes is the answer. It's not like it's rocket science or anything. It's a damn shame such stupid people like this loser even exist.
    Oh......and he couldn't wait to "work" while in jail. Now you know work is the furthest thing from this dopes mind when he's not incarcerated.

  15. 3:18 sounds like them two deputy directors need to get out and earn their pay check.

  16. I'm guessing this wasn't his first theft or first charge ever. And I agree with the others his vision was good enough to grab the higher priced items, he has no problem getting the best for himself, wasn't exactly peanut butter and crackers. Just another person taking advantage of the system.


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