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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

SeaWorld Sees Profits Plunge 84% as Customers Desert Controversial Park

Company reports decline in attendance, sales and profits in continuing struggles for park since 2013 film Blackfish claimed it mistreated orca whales.

SeaWorld has suffered a 84% collapse in profits as customers have deserted the controversial aquatic theme park company following claims it mistreated orca whales.

The company, which trains dolphins and killer whales to perform tricks in front of stadiums full of spectators, on Thursday reported declines in attendance, sales and profits because of “continued brand challenges”.

SeaWorld has been in the headlines since the 2013 documentary Blackfishdetailed claims that its treatment of orca whales provoked violent behaviour contributing to the deaths of three people. Following the release of the documentary, attendance collapsed and the company lost more than half of its market value on Wall Street and its former CEO was forced out.



  1. And that is good news

  2. and that is bad news...

  3. The progressive war on our culture seems never ending

  4. war on our culture? how about we finally evolved into not mistreating animals and not paying to see them mistreated?

  5. Perhaps, given what we now know about orcas, they should evolve into a public sanctuary and educational facility to care for the remaining animals in captivity. No more "training" killer whales to do "tricks", no more "trainers" riding them. Just rehabilitation for those which might still be able to be released to the wild, and observational research in their retirement, for those which cannot.

  6. Do you want a hug.

  7. Damn I can't take my kids to see several different specious held against their will soon. Sucks.


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