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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fox News Makes Its Move To The Middle


We don’t watch cable news. Never have, never will. The concept of people talking over one another in irritated tones has never appealed to us, but our real beef with the medium is its needless fomenting of trivial disputes between ideologies which are – in reality – eerily similar.

Seriously, the only thing worse than major party politicians in Washington, D.C. are the corporate interests driving their shared agenda. And the only thing worse than that? Mainstream media outlets which cover the whole mess up rather than call out those who are truly responsible.

Left, right or center … cable networks exist to create a cacophony of controlled criticism, which is obviously very different from the righteous, relentless rage the situation in our nation’s capital calls for.

In fact the networks exist to harness and control that rage – redirecting it, dividing it, neutralizing its effect on the powers that be.


1 comment:

  1. Just another MSM lamestream media moving to the left. Will continue to get uncorrupted news from on line.


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