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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lost Cat 8-12-15


  1. Father
    We ask you to help us find Oceane,
    our dear pet who is now lost.
    We know that you
    placed animals on the earth
    for many reasons,
    including companionship for man.
    We therefore ask you
    to help us find our lost companion,
    and pray that You will keep her safe
    and protect her from harm until she is found.
    We join our prayers with St. Francis,
    St. Anthony of Padua, and all the saints,
    and pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  2. Hoping she comes back safe and sound!

  3. Where was she lost? Beautiful girl! I pray she comes home!!!

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you pray that she returns safely home asap, I live in the area and I love pets. If I see her will get her safely in and call you.

  5. One of the owners of THE CAT SANTUARY LIVE AT THE CORNER OF jACKSON & Washington NOTIFY THEM.

  6. thank you everyone for your love and support! im still searching daily and doing everything imaginable.
    keep on watch!
    LOST on ROGER ST across from BENNETT

  7. Please post to let us know when she is found.

  8. I believe I saw this cat last Thursday on the 900 block of South Division St. I will keep an eye out for her!


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