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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Md. Senator Demanding Answers After Dire Conditions Found Inside Baltimore City School

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Peeling paint, live wires and mold–all found inside a Baltimore City school. Now a state senator is demanding answers from the school system about what he calls an emergency situation.

Meghan McCorkell has the disturbing images from inside the building.

The senator says even though school doesn’t start until August 31, someone has dropped the ball on giving students what was promised.

Live wires sticking out of a wall, mold growing on the ceiling, carpets filthy dirty inside classrooms.

“Parents are upset, community members are upset,” said Senator Bill Ferguson, (D) Baltimore City.



  1. BOE really doing a bang up job all across MD. Hey, let's build them a state of the art facility for them to destroy! Works in Wicomico.

  2. Where is all that money we taxpayers have been shelling out? Doesn't Baltimore get more per student than other areas?

    I realize that the kids that go there are more destructive, and the building will require more repairs and maintenance as a result, but this is ridiculous. Where are their priorities?

    And don't even try to blame it on "racism". The school board, the administration, most of the teachers, the maintenance staff, are almost if not all black. They get as much if not more than other communities, and have little to show for it...typical for BRA.

    What a disgrace.

    During the summer, all the "parents" who are sentenced to community service, and the "fathers" who are willfully delinquent on child support, should be required to put in their share of time to clean, remove and repaint the peeling areas, do minor repairs and assist with renovations. That would be an appropriate sentence for adult and juvenile offenders alike. I'm sure there's enough "parents" on parole and probation to get the place back in shape.

    Being givers and not just takers would be a great experience for them.

  3. Go to their section 8 houses, they tear them apart too! Animal behavior is shown everywhere they live and play.

  4. The Baltimore prisons are nicer.

  5. Why the surprise? ?? You spend millions of our dollars across the state no TV to mention the country for the children. All BS. These animals don't know how to take care of ANYTHING. They know the government will come in AGAIN and save the day. BOE in any area is a joke and every year after year they want more money. If the animals in the cities actually gave a damp but they don't. The schools in the cities are nothing more but daycare for the thugs.

    1. More like the zoo for animals.

  6. Many of our schools here in Wicomico county are not much better. I work in a highschool and we have mold everywhere. There's bat droppings all over 1 hallway. At least one elementary school where you cant drink the water. But the BOE gets a new place. Remember, its all for the children.

    1. As if the BOE couldn't have moved into one of the countless perfectly good vacant buildings, and spent a fraction of the cost to renovate as if necessary.

  7. All those broken windows. I guess they just broke themselves.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Many of our schools here in Wicomico county are not much better. I work in a highschool and we have mold everywhere. There's bat droppings all over 1 hallway. At least one elementary school where you cant drink the water. But the BOE gets a new place. Remember, its all for the children.

    July 30, 2015 at 4:56 PM

    Prove it!!

  9. I remember Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich was going to let the state take over the Baltimore school system. The black Democrats had a fit.

  10. What does the Mayor say about this. She is so great and got this national position of Mayors. That is the way the Rawlings work, do nothing except when they can get recognition. Good example of Liberal DemocRAT leadership. Yes Wicomico schools are just as bad because they don't believe in preventive maintenance neither. Ride by Parkside and look at the outside walls.

  11. Carpets in the classrooms? They have carpets?

  12. There are much older schools all over the state of Maryland. How are they still in good shape and these seem to be ready to fall apart. It is all in how you take care them. They need upkeep so that they don't get run down.

  13. A city run by democrats, what do you expect?

  14. Looks like an elected school board worked for them!


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