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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Feds won't reverse denial of Baltimore riot disaster aid

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has refused to reverse its denial of disaster aid to help Maryland and Baltimore recover millions of dollars in costs stemming from rioting in the city in April, Gov. Larry Hogan's office said Thursday.

FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said in a letter to the Republican governor Wednesday that after thoroughly reviewing Hogan's appeal, the agency had reaffirmed its June 12 finding that a major disaster declaration "is not appropriate for this event."

The decision drew an angry response from the governor's office.

"Gov. Hogan is disgusted and outraged by FEMA's decision, especially in light of the attention that the Obama administration paid to the city and state's response to the riots," spokesman Matt Clark said.



  1. Why does Governor Hogan see this as a FEMA problem? Maryland needs to pay for it's own problems.
    This was no natural disaster.

  2. Maybe there would have been a different outcome if the City leaders had not encouraged the destruction, rioting, looting, and total unrest, then fueled the fires with incompetent legal representation. Baltimore is getting more than it deserves already what with the continuing contentious government officials.

  3. Bwah ha ha ha!!!

  4. Good, it wasn't a natural disaster. It was a disaster that the Mayor and people running the city caused by their lack of leadership.

  5. Here's a reality check!

    The head Baltimoron caused this - Baltimore should pay for it through it's own resources - after firing her!

    Don't make the rest of the taxpayers in the country pay for what she let her people do!

  6. HAHA..They tore it up and enjoyed the "MAYOR" Approved party. So they can pay for it and NO damn reason why Tax Payers should have to pay for a Mayor approved party..So suck it up Mayor and pay for your own trashing and looting approved party.
    Only gonna get better when those Six Officers are let loose and charges are dropped...WATCH that party...

  7. I have a solution..all bussiness abandon Baltimore at once screw em. You cannot get these libtards do anything right. Sorry larry, but baltimore mayor made the bed now wants help

  8. I don't know why the governor is outraged.
    Baltimore's children acted out and tore the place up.
    The mayor told the police to give them room to do it.
    Let their PARENTS and the city pay for the damage.
    Not one dime of federal rescue.
    No more rewarding of this kind of behavior.
    Maybe next time the mayor will have a different vision..

  9. 5:04 Unfortunately, it will be the innocent people in Maryland who are stuck paying the bill for Mayor Mosby's Mandingo Mathem.

  10. And the mayor said,"we need to give them space to destroy". She should have been recalled long before now. But the city council is black so that won't happen.

  11. Let's give them room to destroy. Probably didn't help getting a hand out from the Feds

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why does Governor Hogan see this as a FEMA problem? Maryland needs to pay for it's own problems.
    This was no natural disaster.

    July 30, 2015 at 4:35 PM

    Is that you again Chuck Kook? Only a Democrat would say something like that!!

  13. Some of you idiots just don't get it!!

  14. Asking for a federal handout? That is the liberal way of doing things. What is he thinking?

  15. just what they deserve

  16. Totally agree with the Feds here. That money is for natural disasters, not a 6pm Friday announcement ans a "stand down" of LE.

    There's a reason we call them Baltimorons.

  17. Take the Mayors salary away to help pay for it, she encouraged it!

  18. It took many decades to build Baltimore.I would like to see building materials delivered with the understanding that those who destroyed it would rebuild it.As soon as they used up a batch of lumber and masonry bring in another load and so forth and so on.They actually want big time contractors to come in and do it all.Let the thugs rebuild it.

  19. cut there lottery benefit checks to pay for the damages

  20. The city of Baltimore should reimberse the state of Maryland for the cost. Their mayor, council and commissioner's are liable. They stood back and let them riot. That is the same as watching someone set fire to your house and says nothing to anyone!

  21. Of course it was a "natural" disaster. Animals running wild in the streets. What else could you call it?

  22. Once mosley looses her job it's going to cost a whole lot more when those six cops sue the city.

  23. Great! I and many other taxpayers don't want to use our tax dollars rebuilding this outhouse of a city. Since they made it, let them deal with the destruction, lack of jobs due to their behavior and the squalor they created! They deserve nothing, period!

  24. FEMA made the right decision when you allow thugs to take over a city and tear it up you should live with the results. They should not rebuild or do anything to the area let them live in what they did. Make the young thugs and citizens live in what they stood back and watched or participated in. Good call FEMA.

  25. Gov. Hogan was just trying to lessen the burden on Maryland taxpayers. You know, hard working, productive people.

  26. I am surprised Obama hasn't issued a ROYAL DECREE ... Oh..."executive order"... mandating federal funds be used to pay for "community activism" and "urban unrest". I hope the DOJ doesn't try to overstep and force the release of funds for Mosby's mistake.

  27. At least no lions were injured, that would have been very upsetting.


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