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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Hillary Does It Again: What "Everyday American" Would Pay $600 For This Haircut?

There are plenty of 'everyday Americans' out there with perfectly good haircuts, styled by perfectly good hairdressers, in perfectly good Main Street salons... so why is self-proclaimed populist person-of-the-everyday-American Hillary Clinton getting a $600 haircut at Bergdorf Goodman's Fifth Avenue store in NYC?

As PageSix reports,

Hillary Clinton put part of Bergdorf Goodman on lockdown on Friday to get a $600 haircut at the swanky John Barrett Salon.

Clinton, with a huge entourage in tow, was spotted being ushered through a side entrance of the Fifth Avenue store on Friday.

A source said, “Staff closed off one side of Bergdorf’s so Hillary could come in privately to get her hair done. An elevator bank was shut down so she could ride up alone, and then she was styled in a private area of the salon. Other customers didn’t get a glimpse. Hillary was later seen with a new feathered hairdo.”



  1. Monica Lewinsky uses this salon too!

  2. I don't know why she thinks she is so important that they have to close off areas and shut places down, etc., etc. Anyway I thought they were broke so how come the $600 hair do?

  3. She needs to shave her head. Already manly looking. That would probably only cost $250.

  4. What a crock - she is sooooo out of touch!

  5. Of course Goldman Sachs and the big bankers are going to dimiss gold. They have been feriously manipulating that market for the last few years. Funny how the international elite, China, Russia and India are sucking up as much as they can while it is artificially cheap. When the economy tanks in a few months and government money printing sends go into overdrive I think holding gold will be a good thing.

  6. who the heck does she think she is??
    shes already booked her reservations to replace the current narcissistic in chief...
    we dont need a woman in the white house, just for the sake of having a woman in the white house...
    the American people MUST choose wisely...


  7. Just as...
    You can't fix stupid and,
    You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig,
    Efforts to re-tool her exterior
    Can't camouflage the evil lurking under the pantsuit!

  8. I would have to be paid well too. Imagine having to stand over old Hildog with a pair of sharp scissors and resist the urge to plunge them into her juggular.

  9. So, how many slaves would Hilary have required 170 years ago, to get herself dressed and coiffed and ready to go out every day?

    And does anyone really believe she wouldn't have "sold them down the river" if they displeased her?

  10. She needs alot more than a haircut to help her lying, cheating butt out.

  11. Did she leave a tip?

  12. which candidate represents the everyday American citizen?? The Billionaire Trump.. Powerful and wealthy Bush?? the big money train Clinton??

  13. i bet she is really sexy now with that new doo and those 24 inch ankles

  14. Putting lipstick on a PIG!

  15. No haircut in the world is worth 100 dollars, even if it's cut one hair at a time. Poor bastard.

  16. Hillary, the poor thing, her and Bubba only made $141 million since 2007. They have done quite well considering they were pennyless when they left the Whitehouse. Just another lie, the Clintons have always been great at lying to anyone, even Congress. But she can feel our pain? I don't think so!

  17. Well, at least that salon's other customers (all wealthy, too, for the most part) now know their place on the food chain.


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