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Monday, August 17, 2015

Hogan’s critics see ‘War on Baltimore’ as reflection of city’s diminished clout

It’s too early to say for sure that Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) is waging a “war on Baltimore,” as critics charge, but analysts say the city has lost so much political and economic clout over the years that the governor is free to spurn the city if he chooses.

In addition, Hogan has strong political and budgetary motives to continue to shift planned spending from heavily Democratic Baltimore to other parts of the state. The approach pleases his conservative supporters in rural and outer suburban areas, who have long grumbled that the city enjoyed favorable treatment and was a wasteful drain of resources.

Hogan’s tense relations with Charm City already have become one of the early themes of his nearly seven-month tenure. He’s off to a more contentious start with Baltimore than the last Republican governor, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who took office in 2003.



  1. You Mean Baltimorgue

  2. Da Bury is da B'more of da Shore.

  3. I like the Bruce Willis look! Go, Larry! Thank you for my sigh of relief!

  4. Good for him..Baltimore is a garbage town inhabited by garbage.


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