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Monday, August 17, 2015

Hey Christians, Say Goodbye To Religious Freedom

Just in case you need a refresher: Back in 2012, a baker in the Denver suburb of Lakewood was asked by a gay couple to make them a wedding cake—two years before gay marriage was even legalized in Colorado. The owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Jack Phillips, declined to participate in Charlie Craig and David Mullins’ celebration, because such an event conflicted with his Christian faith.

Here are a few things Phillips didn’t do: He didn’t query consumers about their sexual preferences. He didn’t bar same-sex couples from purchasing a cake at a place of public accommodation. He didn’t ask consumers traveling in same-sex pairs to leave his shop. He didn’t hang a ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign in his window.

What he could never have known when he first opened his shop was that celebrating gay marriages would be a precondition for making a living. And when you consider that there are at least a few dozen other bakerieswithin a short drive from Masterpiece Cakeshop that could have accommodated the couple’s celebratory pastry needs, why would he?

Yet instead of exhibiting a basic level of tolerance (or dignity), two priggish bullies decided to call the authorities when Phillips refused to bake them a cake. And the cultural commissars at Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission soon ruled that he had discriminated against the couple.

The shop was not only ordered to alter store policy and start baking cakes for gay weddings–or else face debilitating fines, a consequence often reported on by the media–but it was also forced to provide comprehensive staff training, ensure compliance, and then file quarterly obedience reports with the government for two full years. In these reports, Phillips had to describe exactly which remedial measures the shop had taken to conform, and document the reasons why any other patrons were denied service.

So, you know, I’m sure this is exactly how Jefferson imagined America would turn out when he was writing the Declaration of Independence.



  1. His store is a public business and he has no right to discriminate against anyone.

  2. what the hell is a "public business"? there is no such thing. it is a private business, who should by rights be able to discriminate against whoever they damn well please. Let's say you are a stupid racist and refuse to serve blacks. Fine. The market will decide that no one wants to have anything to do with you and your store will close.

  3. He should have made them a cake with a whole box of Exlax in it, then they would get what they deserve.

    1. Yup. Clean him out for the honeymoon

  4. The three words that stood out in this article are found in the fourth paragraph "two priggish bullies". This is what the gay/lesbian/transgender people are. They were evidently bullied in their younger years, and now feel that it is their time to be bullies. That is their right. GOD's judgement will take place at death, or on judgement day. HIS words will be final, on all sides of this discussion.

  5. i would have baked that cake and made it the driest, nastiest cake they ever saw. then take them to court for probably refusing to pay for it. For effs sake people its just a cake.

  6. 1:59 you need help.

  7. Another Liberal idiot 1:59, I bet you will even vote for Hillary...

    Our education system has let us down, and screwed us for generations. This is what happens for not teaching proper History.

  8. But he did bar same-sex couples from purchasing a cake at a place of public accommodation.

  9. I know 6:32, but it is lost on some Christians how you are supposed to treat your fellow man. They like to play the victim.

  10. If you own a business you should be able to refuse to serve anyone you choose not to serve and the Government should keep their nose out of your business. If you are consistently racist word will get around and the business won't survive. But if it is a religious preference it will be no big deal. Your business your rules period. This is suppose to be a free country therefore you should be free to refuse anyone you choose.

  11. 6:32 and 7:23 You are liberal idiots. A small business is independently owned and operated sometimes just by two or three family members . It is a private business build by private individuals hard work, long hours and sweat. They have always in the past and should now and forever be able to refuse service to anyone they want for any reason they want even if they don't like the way you dress or comb your hair.

  12. 7:23 same goes for you gays. Seems you have lost the point on how to treat your fellow man. ya know, live and let live. I am more than able to look the other way and not pay attention to your awful lifestyle. Some of us do not want to know what you did or who you did the previous evening. I do not need to know every tawdry detail. I do not need to see you dressing up like a fairy and flitting around like some freak show. I am able to walk away from you without saying a word.

    But all you seem to know is forcing your degenerate lifestyle on to the rest of us. I honestly do not care that you are gay and do not want to participate in your gayness in any way. I do not need to, I do not care to, and I should not be forced to.

    You are more than capable of shopping elsewhere and most likely would be better service from someone who appreciates your gayness.

    So yes, you are priggish bullies, and we Christians are actually better than you, because we are able to say, live and let live, just leave me out of it.

  13. well presbo is allowing forced sharia religious practices amongst our military in bahrain. where's the freedom of religion guaranteed by the constitution?


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