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Monday, August 17, 2015

Obama Has A Sad Over Heavy Crime Rates In Mostly Democratic Party Run Cities

He does, he really does, especially as he takes a super expensive vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, and the MSM squees over his Spotify list

(The Hill) President Obama on Saturday acknowledged work remains on improving relations between law enforcement and the minority communities they serve.

Obama said Americans must continue tackling class, race and poverty following multiple fatal encounters between police and minorities during 2015 so far.

“Over the past year, we’ve come to see, more clearly than ever, the frustration in many communities of color and the feeling that our laws can be applied unevenly,” he said during his weekly address.

Interestingly, race relations have nose dived during Obama’s time in office.

“But let’s be clear: the issues raised over the past year aren’t new, and they won’t be solved by policing alone,” the president added. “We simply can’t ask our police to contain and control issues that the rest of us aren’t willing to address – as a society.”

What’s even more interesting is how most of these problems seem to occur in cities run mostly/solely by elected officials who ran as Democrats. Baltimore, which has seen much strife? Democrats. There were three killed, and two injured in overnight Thursday shootings. Two were shot Friday, including a city firefighter. There have been over two hundred murders in Democrat Baltimore so far, on pace to be a record year. Obama’s little speech started thusly

Hi everybody. It’s now been a year since the tragic death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. His death—along with the events in Cleveland, Staten Island, Baltimore, Cincinnati, and other communities—sparked protests and soul searching all across our country. Over the past year, we’ve come to see, more clearly than ever, the frustration in many communities of color and the feeling that our laws can be applied unevenly.



  1. More blacks are arrested because blacks are responsible for more crime. Period. When they are brought up in an environment where the parents are irresponsible and on welfare nothing will change.

  2. It is more like he doesn't want the laws applied at all to people of color


  3. Clearly we need to build more golf courses in inner cities to enable the residents to rise, just like their hero.

    Jobs to build; jobs to maintain; acres of slums revitalized; caddies and snack shop help at $15/hr.

    And then OweBama and OweClinton won't have to vacation offshore.

  4. starting in Baltimore

  5. The village idiot could have done so much good in diversity; instead he and his significant other just stirred the pot of hatred

  6. “We simply can’t ask our police to contain and control issues that the rest of us aren’t willing to address – as a society.”

    The rest of us, you blithering @sshole?
    What else would you like Whitey to "address"?

    I think we have offered, implemented and very generously funded numerous solutions to their "issues", but they want little to do with it because it's all part of a "racist system". Except the system that keeps the welfare check coming and food stamps and free phones and free housing. That seems to work pretty good for you, doesn't it!?

    He doesn't have the balls to say the truth:

    "We can't expect police to contain and control the issues black people cause".


  7. Perhaps Mr. Obama should vacation in the wonderful locations populateted by people like him,( "if I had a son he would look just like Tryvon"). Two weeks in a tourist paradise like Baltimore or his "hometown of Chicago. Shining examples of what years of control by members of his culture and the policies of the Democratic Party have produced. Spend time in the urban ghettos that his ideology has created and maintains so that the members of his elite can stay in power. Let him expose his wife and daughters to the real culture he works so assiduously to defend and excuse. Perhaps a service project, say reclaiming a block from the drug dealers, junkies, gangbangers and crack whores in order to restore it to the elderly or regular working class law abiding citizens. Maybe he and his family can do some soul searching and ask themselves; do we really want to have a honest conversation about race, class and culture.

  8. What is a "sad over?"


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