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Sunday, August 30, 2015

County Executive Culver Announces Fuel Savings to County

County Executive Bob Culver announced today that he has saved taxpayers approximately 4,000 gallons of fuel in the first six months of 2015 with his cost cutting measures.
Executive Culver stated: “The results are clear with the changes I have made in policy to take-home vehicles and fuel expenditures – savings for the Wicomico County taxpayers.”

Upon taking office, County Executive Culver eliminated the privilege for a County employee to take home a Wicomico County owned vehicle. The County also discussed with departments different strategies that could save fuel usage.


  1. Great work, Mr. Culver!

  2. Make the sheriff's have deductions taken from their pay for their personal use! Better yet. Only certain deputies take home vehicles and no personal passengers! That would save thousands and reduce the risk of a huge lawsuit if a personal passenger were to be involved in an accident.

    1. When off duty and in their car they are basically on duty without pay. They check in with dispatch before and after use of the vehicle each and every time.

    2. So they are going to respond to a high speed chase with their kids in the car? Save it! And they aren't on duty. That's state police. A deputy doesn't have to stop. He chooses to.


  3. Also save money on the price of the automobile, insurance and tags. Where are all these people driving?

    Bob Culver is doing a great job. Our Governor is doing a bang up job also. Most people going thru kemo would be curled up in front of the TV complaining. NOT our Governor.

    We have two people in government who has a backbone.

  4. I also guarantee that the food expenditures for the county executive office is probably zero compared to Rick Pollitt's hugh food bill.

  5. That is the Bob Culver I know. He uses common sense and a Conservative with money. he is looking out for the Tax Payer.
    I disagree with the deductions for the Sheriff's pay. They are technically on duty while in their patrol car. They are a deterrent and safety means more to me. The personal passenger should only be one person of their immediate family. There should be a waver for them. There are probably a very small percentage of Sheriffs that would violate this policy and they should be dealt with accordingly, which I know Sheriff Lewis would not hesitate.

  6. Sheriff Lewis makes no decisions in that office his clowns under him do

  7. Keep up the good work, Bob!

  8. Do you seriously believe that a sheriff's deputy driving his family to Walmart for grocery shopping in a patrol car is a deterrent?? No Way! No how! S/he is not going to approach anyone while the family is in the vehicle.

    Keep cutting Bob and thank you.

  9. Let's start working on the Parks and Recreation Dept. , it needs it badly Chuck Pool needs to get off his a$$ and start being a leader and set an example. That other guy I think his name is Wisk , he's a poor excuse for a leader , a real joke.

  10. Yeah how about cracking the whip on the Sherriff dept cars if i have to take my car to work so should they.

  11. Now if we can get the leadership at the BOE to be fiscally responsible we might be able to achieve some real success. The BOE has an arrogance of entitlement in which they almost expect and demand resources. Their has never been any real restraint of spending with the BOE, all they want is more.

  12. Only supervisors need take home vehicles in the sheriff's office. At least we aren't as bad as Dorchester having a deputy live almost to gumboro or hurlock with an officer in Willards. Both with take home cars.

    1. No supervisors would need them the least. Response time would be dramatically worse seeing as how only four or five deputies work a shift. Knee jerk responses from people who dont have a clue and the same ones.

  13. Although it is a good thing that gas consumption is down, these seem like minimal self corrections except maybe for the liquor licensing department. By the way, if the county executive is such a cost cutter, why is his mileage up? Should he not be leading by example?

  14. Is the BOE still spending money on their food cravings? We need an updated report on this. THANK YOU Mr. Culver for all your good work.

  15. Thanks Mr. Culver---That's been long overdue!!
    The abuse was ruthless.

  16. I agree with 12.07

    The parks and rec dept needs new leadership. Pool is the most incompetent county government supervisor in wicomico. Why in the world was he ever chosen to oversee our now failing parks and athletic fields is beyond imagination.Him and Wisk are just old Mackes guard who need to find another county or state to bluff.

  17. Speaking of county fields we had soccer practice out to the parker soccer fields on naylor mill road and there was sections of fresh DEAD sod in front of the soccer goals.I do not know who put this stuff down but it looks terrible and is brown as honey.

  18. Mr culver if you wanted to save even more fuel. Check out parks division. Ball field crew of four each drive a truck to fields. They all go to same field!!


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