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Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Ridiclous Weeds

The city only wants to enforce rules when its profitable. When its their fault, weeds grow tall enough that they could cover signs.


  1. That is the truth. Wake up City of Salisbury and deal with your own weeds.

  2. OH YEA, I was sitting in traffic, left turning lane, N Salisbury Blvd heading S, up by the DQ turnaround and you should see how tall the weeds are surrounding the guard rail.

    All I could think was how sad and dilapidated this makes our community look.

    Check it out next time you are there.

  3. It happens in my town too. When I expresed my concern, I was told to mind my own business.

  4. This is a picture of a State road.

  5. Why not stop and pull them if you are that upset about a weed? Do your part for civic improvement instead of waiting for someone else and complaining!

  6. The city needs to lead by example. if the city expects to fine an individual or company for an infraction the city can not have the same infraction.
    8:26 said it correctly, if we want to improve our city it has to start at the city level.

  7. 8:49 - You know, I have done my part for civic improvement instead of complaining but I'm damned tired of doing what should be done by someone else. When you do your part, then it is expected and that is wrong.

  8. Don't worry,when an accident occurs the weeds will mysteriously disappear,leaving only a photo of it.

  9. The weeds do not bother me as much as all the vacant buildings and all the prostitutes and drug dealers in the "Da Bury". Ireton was a miserable failure. Time for change. I think those couple of hundred inmates at WCDC could clean a lot of this city and county. The problem is Libtards have made it impossible to use inmates. The inmates need to be in a.c. all day watching cable or smoking dope.

    Da Bury is a sh*t hole. The river is no cleaner as promised. The streets are no cleaner. Face Jimmy all you did was throw hissy fits and embarrass yourself if that is possible lol

  10. 8:49 shut up. Every convict in the detention center and every welfare receiving pos needs to be out cutting weeds, picking up trash etc.

  11. 8:49--It's not exactly safe to stop in the middle of traffic to pull the weeds in the median. That's why we have city employees that are supposed to deal with it. They have the big trucks with flashing lights and they wear bright orange vests. And they get paid to do it.

  12. Do as I say slaves.
    Uncle Sam and his lil cousins.

  13. Anon 8:26 AM : Maybe that professional beggar could pull the weeds while holding the sign asking for money.

  14. You should see the alley ways in the Presidents Neighborhood area, they are meant to be passable for vehicles to travel. They trim the trees which hang down about every four years, they scrape hoods of vehicles and block passage from the sides as well. Now the ones on the streets they cut the tops so as not to be on the power lines and use a commercial company. But the alleys are a real mess, if they are meant for traffic and paved to some extent then they are the city's property correct?

  15. I thought they are seagrass

  16. 8:26 the area you described is the State Highway Administrations issue. Call them at 410-677-4000 to report it.

    8:44 the picture is in the City of Salisbury's right of way and not a State Road. If I stand corrected it is Carroll Street right by what used to be Dominos Pizza years ago. I see this every morning on my commute to work.


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