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Sunday, August 30, 2015


“Biometric identification to match a finger scan with a personal identification number"

The grumbling in New Albany cafeterias isn’t coming from students’ stomachs. It’s from parents.

The southern Indiana school district is one of the latest to deploy technology which “biometric identification to match a finger scan with a personal identification number,” WAVE reports.

According to a notification issued by the New Albany Floyd County school system, the technology is used to “eliminate pin numbers, eliminate misused pin numbers, maintain the privacy of students on subsidized food programs and speed up the amount of time in the lunch line.”

School administrators “refused” to go on camera to discuss the new technology.

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  1. starting the data base on your kids early aren't they...

  2. Should be used for voting but of course the Dems will say it is racist.

  3. Orwell was a prophet.
    Keep cheering.

  4. isn't it ironic that the school officials don't want to be identified while mandating identification of THE CHILDREN?

  5. Would never let them do this---ever

  6. Definitely the way to go for voting.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 25, 2015 at 3:03 PM

    So they have to scan fingers of kids in order to get a free lunch, but when voting they c k aim showing an ID would be discrimination? This great land is being run by Liberal Idiots. Fire them all!!!

  8. New Albany Floyd County School officials refused to go on camera to demonstrate the technology but said they give all parents the option to opt out of the finger scan. The school system sent information home on the system with a form to opt out of the scanning.

  9. And to think people are allowing this to happen.
    Dont let Ireton get wind of this, or else he'll want to bring it to Salisbury.

  10. This biometric info database can be easily hacked. Imagine your little girl's identity being stolen while she's still playing with dolls.

    Putting biometric and DNA info into databases is a MAJOR risk.

  11. This is great for use by Law Enforcement, when the school is damaged or something is stolen, they got prints to use against those of the suspects! Little darlings are going to go to jail!

  12. All kids need to be fingerprinted, it would make is so much easier to identify their body if found murdered, and also for convicting little thieves, and criminals.

  13. Most of them have their prints on file on their iPhones.

  14. Law enforcement is why they do this. When the kiddies get old enough to become thugs won't take long for arrest.

  15. I'd rather they spend the money on serving more nutritious food but...priorities...


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