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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Add Your Name If You are With Martin O'Malley

Our climate is in trouble if we do not act. I know where I stand on Keystone XL and I have a plan to end our reliance on fossil fuels by 2050. Add your name if you're with me: http://omly.us/oppose-keystone-xl
Posted by Martin O'Malley on Monday, July 27, 2015


  1. Martin, I have a place for you to stand with your electric cars and windmills!

  2. 250? WTH are we supposed for the next 35 years, Dummy?

  3. Destroying the nations economy just like he did in Md.

  4. This nut must have nightmares at night while he is sleeping to dream this stuff up. Maybe he is taking medication that still affects his mind.

    2050 year right marty? You are crazy. Not creating any jobs that way are you?

    If you were so great (only in your own mind), why did you destroy the state you governed? You destroyed businesses, you raised taxes and forced imposed fees on all Maryland citizens. You stole from the state pension fund, and the transportation funds. While you were governor, you did nothing to stop crime, you did however help crime thrive and increase. Let's talk about the hotel you cost citizens having to pay for that hasn't turned a profit every since it was built.

    Marty, you are a loser, a kiss-ass kind of person who will say and do whatever to get what only you want. You are no good for any state let alone qualified to be president of anything.

  5. has he ever worked for a paycheck?
    Didn't think so, he thinks he's entitled! POS!

  6. And I invented the Internet

  7. I seem to recall the current occupant of the White House making similar statements.

  8. When I see or hear his name I feel intestinally sick. This is as clean as I can state it.


  9. He's suffering memory lapses.

    Forgot to include:
    A free range, organic chicken in every pot;
    perpetual full moon so we can save on streetlights;
    full employment program will supplement Uber with rickshaws thus reducing pollution from cars, buses, taxis;
    E-Z Pass ankle bracelet so the dealers can get back on the street w/o having to see a magistrate.

    Watch this space for more ideas from OweMalley.

  10. I hope he gets 10 supporters off this. That way he will feel like a true winner!

    What a dick!

  11. F O'Malley and quit sending me your emails.

  12. Please tell us the list is blank.

  13. Everybody has a plan to eliminate fossil fuels by 2050 or earlier. Eliminating or transitioning the oil companies is another story altogether.
    Dream on, buddy!

  14. The only support he's trying to muster with that poster is George Soros.
    You see, ole George will lose all the contracts he has to move the oil via railroad tanker cars if the pipeline gets built. (Oxymoronic for the left because the pipeline is a thousand times more safe and environmentally responsible)

    Marty ought to just hang it up. America already knows the bullcrap the national socialists are selling is backwards.


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