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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Verizon Workers Authorize Strike

Verizon workers in nine states have voted to go on strike if necessary over a dispute about a new contract, a union official said at a rally Saturday.

"Our members are clear and they are determined," said Dennis Trainor, an official with the Communications Workers of America union. "They reject management's harsh concessionary demands."

At the rally in New York, the CWA announced that 86 percent of Verizon workers who voted in a recent poll backed strike action if required. A contract that covers 39,000 workers represented by the CWA and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers expires at midnight on August 1.

The contract covers employees the nine states from Massachusetts to Virginia who work for Verizon's wireline business, which provides fixed-line phone services and FiOS Internet service.



  1. verizon should replace them with people that want to work

  2. Unions, the fall of America today. Screw them !

  3. With the poor service they offer, let them strike. The public probably won't notice a difference!

    1. Yeah sure,,,say that during the next major storm when your phone goes out, and your cellphone won't connect or keeps dropping calls.

    2. Dropped calls even on sunny days. Wait till the influx of illegals your union loves so much takes your job. Wake up or join the welfare class.

  4. CWA , the weakest union in America , screw the union and screw Verizon.

    1. The union is only as strong as its members.

      Who're you going to call, when Verizon screws YOU?

  5. I would be more yhan happy to take a job with them with the concessions...look what happened to Dresser and Crown, Cork and Seal when they gave into the unions demands! Here today gone South and non-union tomorrow!

  6. I investigated the Dresser closing , I interviewed some of the employees . The maintenance people were not qualified to use a hammer.
    Most of them were lost in the union and were dumb as a brick.
    The union was responsible for it's closing. Verizon will be the same if you have ever had experience with the workers , from clerical to installers. Also dumb as bricks!

    1. The union has been in place at Verizon since day one. Union members were responsible for building the company into what it is now.

      You have obviously had no experience with actual Verizon workers.

  7. The Union makes it very stressful to work there because there is always a battle between the workers & management. If employees & management have to fight then somebody needs to go. No Union needed for that kind of common sense. How many en have had to go on anxiety medicine just because they have worked there? Believe me, it's an unbelievable number.

  8. So you anti-union idiots want to give up half your paycheck to pay for benefits that the company used to pay for? You want unpaid sick days, no more holiday pay? You people here on the shore our more inbred and stupider than I ever thought!

    1. Stupider? Really? Our more inbred? You have the balls to submit a comment using words improperly and words that don't exist? You just proved the previous commentors point. Dumb as a brick. Keep fighting and you too will be looking for a job like the greedy former Dresser employees.

  9. Verizon worker said.
    I say you all need to get a life. You expect the Public to believe you have no paid sick leave, no Holiday pay and half your check goes to pay your benefits. The next thing you will say your retirement is the worse there is. The ones I know says different. So who is full of Bull? Verizon just raised their internet service $3 dollars a month minimum on every internet service customer. Verizon workers were making twice my salary plus when I retired from State of MD 9 years ago. So quit crying and come down to reality. Verizon workers are paid exceptionally well along with benefits just like the Electric company employees. The Government needs to quit giving automatic increases to Telecommunication and Electric companies. Then all you spoiled workers will realize what reality is for the normal people.

  10. Comcast is organizing the same Union look out for a rate hike.

  11. My Verizon DSL internet goes out at least once a day in summer when the sun gets hot, sometimes two or three times.

    For years.

    After many line switches.

    Comcast is the same, so I won't switch.

  12. 9:05
    I feel your pain. Mine does the same thing. For no reason at all it just stops working. I have to go into my router settings and refresh it and it works fine for a few days after I change the channel in there. I know I have called them a few dozen times about the problem and it is always my line that has the problem. So they say. Many times calling them to have them test the line would fix the problem...but the automated phone doesn't do that anymore they just make you wait on hold for an hour.


  13. I am in Local 1307 and I can identify with some of the comments.The union hires dumb family members to make the big money and they just destroy the equipment.The local is all about stealing our money and supporting their families.I know of union presidents hiring son-in-laws,brothers,whole families.Yeah!!! some brotherhood.

  14. I am a former Verizon employee and CWA Member,and I have to ask,where was the union when the company closed the Salisbury Operator Services Center? I had 12 years in and hoped I would stay with the company for many years.I did not want to transfer to RSC (residential customer service) because I was aware of the immense stress and pressure to perform (sell) ,as it had caused many employees to have a breakdown or health problems.The company was generous and gave me a cash buyout of 1k for every year of service,so I was literally paid to quit my job ,to the tune of 10k after taxes.So don't tell me how much the company gives in benefits because I know better.I made more money an hour sitting on my butt than most professionals.Considering that Verizon owns most of its buildings on the shore,you would think the union would have fought for those jobs as we were the lowest paying position in the company.

  15. I worked for and retired from VZ. From C&P Telco of MD, through the AT&T breakup in '84, through Bell Atlantic and the 'Baby Bells' and finally BA's merger w/GTE to form VZ. That merger was all about management styles, folks. GTE had never, I'll repeat that, Never been accused of having employee centric business practices nor customer centric policy, either. VZ took the ball and ran w/it cutting every benefit they could get away with through deceit, targeting and harassment. Today's basic American business model. That is VZ's management style today. Supervisors have NFI what it is to work or even what it is that they ask their crews to do each day., hopefully they'll find that out this summer.
    Oops., I think I hear my land-line breaking.

  16. All unions are company unions plain and simple. Look at all the existing unions. Either the are government or on their last leg. Look at AFSCUM. The president of the chapter makes 280,000 a year for NOTHING!!!! They don't do a damn thing but take money. The unions are run by college boys now not the working man. That is why they are crooked. My dad told me back in the Hoffa had 2 dollars you had one. Today they take it ALL!!


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