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Sunday, June 07, 2015

The Salisbury Award To Be Presented To Norman Conway

The Trustees of The Salisbury Award are pleased to announce that the recipient of the Award for 2015 will be Norman H. Conway, in recognition of his outstanding dedication and service to our community. Mr. Conway has demonstrated a commitment throughout his lifetime to helping others in a variety of ways: as an educator, a fireman, a citycouncilman, a State delegate and more; advancing to key leadership positions along the way.

The Salisbury Award is the community’s oldest and most prestigious independent civic award. First given in 1926, the award was established and originally endowed by local businessman G. William Phillips to recognize “service that has been the greatest benefit to the happiness, prosperity, intellectual advancement or moral growth of the community”. Mr. Phillips’ role in creating the award was unknown by the general public until his death some 25 years later.



  1. I saw him in Walmart north last week, supporting the minimum wage.

  2. Norm, do you think you are gone because you shot down an elected school board? I know the answer.

  3. for sending us down river and voting to shift teacher pensions to the county.

  4. Another meal for Norman, the liberals just can't get over the fact that he lost. Repeat he lost get over it.

  5. Jim's next...to be gone...then praised forever by the socialists!

  6. Mr. career politician that accomplished absolutely nothing during his years in government. Just like Obaman getting a Nobel Prize for absolutely nothing the democrats continue their legacy. Awards for nothing.

  7. Great choice. Congratulations Norm!

  8. Hey Norman if you hadn't crawled in bed with the sleaze bag Omalley you might still be the representative. You were supposed to be working for us not him. Jimmy you're next!!

  9. CONway ,MitcHELL ,fredricksun, LIARton love spending everyone elses $$$ then complain about the 1% ers.

  10. Norm Conway accomplished 10 times more in his lifetime than all you losers combined did ,you can hate him all you want,he is a great choice for this award.

  11. I have known Norm Conway for over 30 years. He is a helluva nice fellow but the only things he has accomplished are fooling the voters and being lucky to have Marty Neat (Mr. Moneygrip) as his financial backer.

  12. Norm has done a lot for this area. You might not agree with him but he has kept jobs here, made good laws for here, worked hard for both sides republican and democrats because it's people not a party. What have you done besides stay anonymous and give us your opinion on this blog

  13. has been that lost for a reason. A new comer crushed him. Give him pork belly sandwich and move on.

  14. norm has done nothing but set himself up with several state pensions! while fooling you fools! total waste of human ability! all he has accomplished was knowing where the free meals are/were!

  15. And next year's winner is.... Rick Pollitt!

  16. Joe --

    We can probably guess who made the selection, but can you get and post their names. please. Marty Neat was probably the leader of that pack, along with Phil and Barrie Tilghman, Michael Pretl and Tony Sarbanes.

  17. How about a congeniality prize for Ron Pagano!

  18. Hey June 5th @ 11:38PM Where is your name? Oh I see it....ANONYMOUS

  19. He's a liberal idiot.

  20. Here is why Norman Conway got defeated - plain and simple.

    1. Speed Camera legislation. Yep - he voted for it.
    2. Surplus charges on ticket sales at Civic Center events - Yep - that to.
    3. Sponsored Emergency legislation to intercept local income tax proceeds to
    fund the Wicomico County School Board budget.
    This one he directly sponsored - all while being employed by the BOE -
    conflict of interest IMHO.
    4. Increase in local income tax rate from 3.1% to 3.2% (state's highest rt).
    Yep - he voted for this one to.
    5. Sponsored legislation to override Wicomico County Council's alcohol restriction at the Shorebird's stadium. Yep - he screwed them yet again.

    Would anyone like for me to continue? Just send in a comment and I will gladly add to where I have left off.


  21. The Salisbury Award used to carry a lot of weight; now a lot of weight will be on the receiving end.

    Some of the Nobel Prizes have lost a lot of luster since shifting from accomplishment to playing to the crowd (see Peace Prize as a starting point). Salisbury Award now joins that trend.

  22. To 9:26 Poster - I just hope that some of the other legislators are reading what you have posted. Because if some of the others know what is good for them - they had better heed what happened to Delegate Conway.

    I remember all of these bills and some others to.

  23. We need Norm Conway -- as the poster boy for the term limits campaign!

  24. Why idolize a career government type -- teacher, bureaucrat and politician like Conway. His accomplishments as BS and have helped to flush Salisbury, Wicomico County, and the Shore down the drain

  25. If he was so great then why didn't he get re-elected?? The truth is he was only doing what was best for himself and the special interest groups that paid for him. Just another tax and spend democrat liberal who we finally got rid of!

  26. To 1:04 Poster - DITTO!!!

    They refer to this kind of politician as a 'Bureaucratic Fat Cat'.
    He certainly fits the description to the tee.

  27. And yet The Daily Times and Salisbury Independent try and idolize him.

    I'm telling you folks, BEWARE, the liberal left wing is going to run him again. You want to know how I can tell - by the caption of the Salisbury Independent.

    Personally, I truly believe that The Daily Times and Salisbury Independent are now TABLOID reporting. Next they will be reporting about the 9 headed baby that was given birth at PGH.

  28. Reference to 11:38 PM Poster that said Norm has done a lot for us by keeping jobs here . . . .

    BS!!! What kool-aid have you been drinking. I've seen the jobs numbers and they are absolutely abysmal. Salisbury News has published these stats round the clock for many years. And as for identity - I'll just bet you that you are none other than Norm Conway himself. Shame-on-you Pinocchio.

  29. Ron Pagano and other Left Wing extremists attend the Unitarian Church on Old Ocean City Road...

    In Fact the Scare Crow there, who runs the joint, his Old Lady left him last April because he was involved with another Married Woman who left her husband...

    They are all sick

  30. Norman Conway did not lose the election, it was SBYNEWS that caused his demise. For decades Norm Conway and The Daily Times were 'bed partners' and that all changed when SBYNEWS came to town.

    When SBYNEWS rode into Town all of the backdoor political antics were shined a bright light on. In essence, it has been the best political disinfectant that one could ever pray for. Thanks Joe for telling our people the truth.

  31. Norm was one of the only people advocating for SU. Without him, SU would be a third rate college. Much of SU's financial success was due to Norm.

  32. 6:41 SU's financial success is due more to Frank Perdue and Richard Henson than anything Norm Conway has done.

  33. Stop your crying about his loss. He lost due to the fact that his opponent demonstrated new ideas and true leadership, neither of which Mr. Conway could ever produce!

  34. He also voted for SB281 the anti-gun bill

  35. One of the above comments (11:38 PM Posting) said;

    'You might not agree with him but he has kept jobs here, made good laws . . '

    My response - you are an absolute imbecile. Lord help our nation with posters like you. Have you seen the vacancies in and around Salisbury? For heavens sake, OPEN YOU EYES, PLEASE!

  36. 12:44 what are you doing to help??? Saving food stamps??

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Norm Conway accomplished 10 times more in his lifetime than all you losers combined did ,you can hate him all you want,he is a great choice for this award.

    June 5, 2015 at 6:11 PM

    What flavor Kool Aid do you like.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Norm Conway accomplished 10 times more in his lifetime than all you losers combined did ,you can hate him all you want,he is a great choice for this award.

    June 5, 2015 at 6:11 PM

    The only thing more he accomplished than me is about 150lbs of adipose tissue.


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