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Sunday, June 07, 2015

State’s Attorney Wants To Block Release Of Freddie Gray Autopsy

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is seeking a protective order to block the release of Freddie Gray’s autopsy, according to WJZmedia partner The Baltimore Sun.

Mosby is also hoping to block the release of other “sensitive” documents as she pursues charges against six Baltimore city police officers in Gray’s death.

On Monday, Mosby also asked the court for more time responding to the defense’s motions about her ability to prosecute the case as well as the trial being held out of the city.

She previously filed for a gag order in the case, preventing those involved to discuss the case in public.



  1. That makes no sense at all...

  2. Oh no you don't. Ms. Mouth - if you are going to convict these police officers in the court of public opinion then we WILL see a copy of the autopsy report.

    Memo to Ms. Mosby - we live in a society where one is innocent before proven guilty. EVERYONE has that right. Our governing legislators are required to be transparent. That includes you.

    Release the autopsy report.

  3. That's because the info might make her look like an idiot. Because of her non qualifications for the job to begin with, this trial will be thrown out of the courts.

  4. Of course she wants to block it. She has no clue what she's doing! She won the job in a race contest.


  5. what is she afraid of, that the public might find out the truth about something?

  6. 10:29 - she doesn't need this info to do that!

    "She done did dat to herseff"

  7. Shades of Angela Corey the SA who prosecuted George Zimmerman.

  8. Based on the travesty of injustices portended by this bim, they'll not be able to sustain any conviction obtained past the appeals courts.

  9. In the words of a wise person"the truth will set you free"

  10. This goes above and beyond her gag order request. What she is trying to prevent is the BPD task force tasked with the Gray investigation from seeing the results of the autopsy.
    This is a clear indication that those results were based on something her office told the ME has occurred inside the van or with the van.
    When the maniac make a fool of herself during her pulpit preaching tirade, she the injury was "believed" to have occurred inside the van.
    No doubt all kinds of "witnesses" saw the driver driving erratically intentionally giving Gray a "rough ride. Probably the same ones who saw Geo Zimmerman run after and tackle Trayvon Martin and saw Michael Brown get shot in the back while he was running with his hands up. Or maybe even Baltimore's own Tiffany who was shown what a liar she is when she said she had just seen the "police shot that boy in the back" when in fact the "boy" hadn't been shot at all and a cop never fired a weapon.

  11. Enough is enough. Never before have we witnessed such blatant disregard for the truth. This all started with the accomplice in the Brown case in Ferguson. The media had an audience that did not care about the truth. They took the word of a street criminal over that of a decorated police officer. Two thugs and the media started a wave of violence against the police across this country.

    Dorian John's deliberate lies about Michael brown having his hands up in the air as if he was complainant with a police officers command was embraced by the media and race baiters across this land. Race baiters flocked to Ferguson. The President of the United States played his roll in the violence as well he fanned the flames of racism loud and clear. At no time did he ask America to let the process work. As we all know now the truth was never presented to the public until a Grand Jury cleared Officer Darren Wilson. Yet still the president stood silent. Forget the fifth amendment here there was no due process under the law. The man who is to uphold the constitution stood mute and allowed misplaced anger excel.

    In later weeks Al Green (D-Texas), Sheila Jackson (D-Texas),Yvette Clark (D-New York)and Hakeem Jefferies (D-New York) all members of Congress raised their hands during remarks on the House floor. Showing their solidarity with criminals and thugs. Never after the truth came out did one of these members of Congress apologize for their actions. Never did they say the truth is out let justice work.

    This racial assassination of police officers nation wide should not be tolerated by good Americans that still believe in our Constitution.
    With that said the media also has a responsibility to print and report the truth.

    The truth in Baltimore will come out. This grand standing racist and bigot will be exposed for what she really is.

    I am proud of all my brothers and sisters that go out daily and do the job as it should be done. Enough is enough.

    Stay strong L.E.O.s you still have the respect of the majority. Do not let the minority influence the way you do you job. Stay safe and strong. Stand proud.

    Marty Fisher
    Delmar, Maryland

  12. How long before Mosby turns 20?

  13. What is she trying to hide in order to get a conviction based on racism and failed liberal policies and failed liberal leadership?? If this was a White American doing the things that she's doing, Baltimore would again be in flames!!

  14. "Freedom of information ACT"...Sue the Crack Head Obama loving Mayor!!!

  15. Little miss thing didn't have any trouble or remorse trying the six police officers in the media, why if she isn't trying to hide the truth and the facts from the public is she not being so forth coming with this public information??? The reason is simple. She lied to the public in order to appease the black population. Now, she doesn't want the truth coming out under any circumstances to cover her backside and cover her many lies.

    She is a disgrace and the governor needs to remove her and this trial from Baltimore.

  16. 12:36, well said. There is something in that report that doesn't agree with the current story/ charges, and Ms. Liar needs to call a time out in order to makeup a better lie to cover her arse.

  17. She will get a book or movie deal. No doubt. Kinda don't blame her... Lawyers get away with lies everyday this is no different..

  18. I think she is phyco chick hot...

  19. Good luck with that 9:37 lol she is a stage 5 clinger lol

  20. Giving her the benefit of a doubt, here's the reason she is withholding the report:
    Positive report: Riot.
    Negative report: Riot.

  21. typical .. she already looks like a fool ..nothing will change that


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