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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Bruce Jenner Needs Help

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.’” This isn’t a treatise on faith, but, for Christians, those words are where any discussions of gender and marriage begin. For those who don’t share our faith, we’d simply point to the Declaration of Independence, in which the Founders acknowledged that Liberty comes from our Creator. And family is the third pillar of Liberty.

But Bruce Jenner didn’t start with objective truth. He started with Bruce Jenner.

Before the aptly named Vanity Fair’s upcoming cover story on the former Olympic Decathlon champion’s transition from Bruce to Caitlyn, Jenner described his view of how God created him: “God’s looking down, making little Bruce. … He says, ‘Okay, what are we gonna do with this one? Make him a smart kid, very determined.’ … And then when he’s just finishing he says, ‘Let’s wait a second.’ God looks down and chuckles a little bit and says, ‘Hey, let’s give him the soul of a female.’”

Jenner insists he’s only coming to terms with who God really made him to be: “If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life. You never dealt with yourself,’ and I don’t want that to happen.”

God’s Word actually has a lot to say about the subject, and the voices in Bruce’s head are completely at odds with all of it.

So how does 21st century American pop culture respond to his very public and self-congratulatory — yet still physically incomplete — sexual transition?

Read about it here..


  1. SATAN wears many disguises....

    Satan was tossed out of HEAVEN and roams the Earth like a Roaring Lion...

    Bruce needs an exorcists...b/c he is possessed

  2. I think it is way too late to help Jenner

  3. Leave God out of it.
    Imaginary friends are for nuts.
    So is Jenner.

  4. sorry but the Bible was created by people who thought the earth was flat, kinda puts things in perspective eh?

    1. Athiest scum.

    2. Nice rebuttle, very biblical and scientific

  5. Why not just leave the person alone? They are not harming you.

  6. If he created men in his own image, considering the vast diversity of shapes, colors, sizes, and options, then that includes all "men", transgender or not. Who knows what God looks like...would he really look like a skinny old Santa Claus in a sheet and sandals sitting on a concrete throne?

    And does it matter?

    He is whatever you imagine.

  7. Really again???

  8. "...Satan was tossed out of HEAVEN and roams the Earth like a Roaring Lion..."

    In your dreams, unless you think Barack Obama looks and acts like a lion. But then, Michelle is the only one who roars in that family.

  9. 2:11 - Sorry for you.

  10. Excellent article.

    Deuteronomy 22:5 - "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God".

    Nuff said. "Amen"

    1. Thank you so much. Let the truth be told.

  11. No help needed. Her is a pervert and will remain one no matter what genders' body he inhabits. The MSM and all media just need to ignore this sick, perverted POS. A perfect example of a poor excuse for a human being!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    sorry but the Bible was created by people who thought the earth was flat, kinda puts things in perspective eh?

    June 5, 2015 at 2:11 PM

    I bet when that mental case transvestite decides the castrate you or ISIS decides to saw your head off with a dull knife you will be praying for God.

    1. I bet if you get sick you won't just let God do his work but will need science to heal you

  13. This is not science or a physical illness, this is nothing but pure perversion that indicates what a deviant he is!

  14. after gay Marriage the National Disgrace said they were going to focus on Transgender Rights... he got his Poster Boy... The gates of Hell opened the Night Obama got his Nobel

  15. Many who comment about what the Bible says clearly are not believers and so they will never understand because God blinds your "seeing" it, or understanding. True Christians did not believe the world was flat. Christopher Columbus was from a Christian home and probably heard or read the scripture describing "the circle of the earth". If everyone studied the Bible seriously, they would find many words of truth spoken by the prophets thousands of years ago which have come to pass and are happening before our very eyes.

  16. "Don’t deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise in the ways of this world, you should give up that wisdom in order to become really wise."


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