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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Teacher suspended for blocking students' cellphones

LAND O' LAKES, Fla. -- A Florida science teacher has been suspended for running a signal jammer to prevent his students from using their cellphones in class.

CBS Tampa affiliate WTSP-TV reports Dean Liptak was trying to get students to focus on lessons instead of their phones.

School board members in Pasco County approved Liptak's five-day, unpaid suspension on Tuesday. Liptak didn't contest the decision.

Officials say Liptak activated the jammer in his Fivay High School classroom from March 31 through April 2.



  1. Good for him - shame on the school system. Control of your classroom is imperative for teachers.

  2. Need more teachers like him!!! Turn them off or get them smashed!

  3. Teacher should not have been suspended for that. The rules are: leave your telephone at home or turn it completely off. I'm glad he did that and more teachers should follow his lead. The teacher is the one in charge in the classroom, not the students with their cell phones.

  4. This is a great gadget! Where can I get one, my family could actually eat dinner without interruptions!

  5. I'm a teacher and I would love to use one. Unfortunately in this ultra liberal society we live in it would be considered a violation of the students rights.

    1. You can't afford one with all those supplies you have to buy and lack of money you make. Don't forget your student loans.......

    2. I dont have loans to repay. I worked my way through my masters degree. I make good money because i have earned it even if some ultra liberal un educated loud mouth like you wants to argue something you know absolutely nothing about. Bet you'll vote for Hillary and think kids need cell phones in school because it's their "right".

    3. First off....I'm a republican. Thanks. And you've not ever earned your salary! Never! Part of it yes.remember this.... There is going to be a rich class and a poor class. No middle class, were you currently sit. What way do you think you'll end up? Lmao. And my high school education is enough for me to make three times your salary. You teachers are all pathetic and narcissist. Your no better than anyone else . I don't care how much your masters degree says you are.

    4. Please switch to democrat. The Republicans dont need simpletons like you.

    5. Idiot. Democrats are why you get paid what you do! We need more people like the one above!

  6. A great example of our skewed social norms.
    Another liberal will pout that we are not spending enough on our children's education. We now exist in the never never land of the socialist progressives.
    Oh how far we have fallen from a once great nation.

  7. Looks like he jammed the entire cell phone tower and not just his class. I can see where Verizon might have a problem with his actions. If he enacted a "no cell phone use in my class except for an emergency" rule would the administration back him up? They should.

  8. I think the issue is he was blocking cell phone reception all around the neighborhood.

  9. Hey, you gotta do whatcha gotta do!

  10. They do not block that wide a distance.

  11. if we played with "toys" when I was in school, the teacher confiscated it until June, most parents would back the teacher on that rule,

    1. I don't care what my kid does or how you punish em..... No teacher better take my kids phone. Its no toy. I pay for it and if its broken by anyone else but me or my kid there will be hell to pay. Shit could always hit the fan and I'll be damned if I won't or can't reach my kid. My kid knows what will happen of I get a call about using the phone at school.

    2. Cell phones are a major distraction and i guarantee you have no idea what your little baby is doing with that phone.

    3. No I don't. But as you can see above, I trust my child. She was raised right. She's no Angel but I don't have to think like yourself. Sorry bout your kid.

    4. You need not be sorry about my kids. I KNOW what their doing and they are responsible young people. You really need to check you children's cell phones. I dont really care about you, but i make a living helping young people learn and grow. It's a dangerous world out there.

    5. Learn and grow into thugs and dope dealers. Not many success stories out of wicomico otherwise.

  12. People said the same thing about calculators and computers when they got popular too. Phones will be allowed in classrooms in the near future.

  13. He better stop caring and go on mute mode. Or be unemployed.

  14. Great, 1:16. Hope your spawn are never in my class... whiny, entitled children.

    1. No worries. My kids have real teachers. They're in private school.

  15. that will teach him not to mess with Obama Phones ..they are a gift from God

  16. 1:16 - you are an example of the reason today’s kids grow up to feel there are no consequences for their actions and they do not have to follow rules. If a teacher says no cell phones that is the rule, follow it. If it is taken away because they had it out in class it is their fault, not the teachers. Pretty simple concept and I find it sad that parents do not teach the principal of taking responsibility for your behavior and actions anymore.

  17. People like 1:16 will always be a part of the problem and never the solution.


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