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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Guess which lunch time sandwich has now been deemed racist?

Did you know that eating or even talking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be considered racist?

That’s right.

Apparently, it’s because people in some cultures don’t eat sandwich bread. Verenice Gutierrez, principal of Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland explained in and interview with the Portland Tribune:

“Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year,” the Tribune said.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”



  1. Wow so I guess pretty soon Fried Chicken, watermelon, mayonnaise, pork, beef and many more will be considered racist. People need to get a real life experience strike them in the head, like going bankrupt or losing a loved one. Get a life!

  2. I guess next the color of mulch you use will be considered racist...it does not come in white!

  3. what in this explanation deems the sandwich as racist, other than the flawed interpretation of the author?

  4. I am white and have never been 'privalaged' to anything in this country that any other race has not been able to acquire. If anything being a poor white male in my younger years made me ineligable for any type of public assistance when I had become temporarily disabled due to kidney problems, I was denied benefits I was clearly eligible to receive!

  5. What about the Somalis or Hispanics? Sounds like talking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is an excellent way to teach them about our culture. Bet they go home and ask for peanut butter and jelly pita!

  6. you've GOT to be freakin' kidding me

  7. I can't think of a thing to say in defense of this author's claim, other than to question his grip on reality.

  8. I think i'll make one right now and send it to him. maybe i'll make 2 so I can eat one also...

  9. Assimilate or leave.
    Don't come here and try to establish a mini-anything. Learn our language, customs and history. Obey our laws. Become AMERICAN.
    But NEVER criticize us for being American and doing American things.
    Or get the hell out and go back to the third world crap hole you ran away from if culture shock is hitting you too hard.
    We do something that you aren't familiar with and now its racist???
    It used to be called moving to and living in a new place. NOW, we have to change OUR culture to make sure YOUR feelings aren't hurt and we don't show you things you never saw before, like running water, electricity, and peanut butter sandwiches????
    Did I mention "get the hell out"????
    We don't need you. YOU need US. Start acting like it.

  10. Have we had enough of this B.S. yet?

  11. So Obama growing watermelons, collared greens, goober peas, and Kudzu in the rose garden is "Racist"?

  12. “What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?”

    They can eat something else!
    I'm gonna eat my sammich.

  13. The Somali and Hispanic can leave any time this is our country !!

  14. I guess oreo cookies are next on the list

  15. 1:03 don't forget about the chickens running around the yard too! He has turned it into a regular slum.

  16. Don't forget the brewery they started in the WH

  17. I'm glad this has finally come out.I get pissed off every time I see a PBJ for that very reason.

  18. They are going to need to fumigate the Whitehouse when those Muslims leave.

  19. 5:42 -AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said!!!!

  20. Racism is just another way to control people and take away freedoms.

  21. 9:09 More like, accusations of racism used to control, extort, manipulate and take away freedom.

  22. Gutierrez is a racialist... somebody who is fixated on race..and consumed with race ... and uses it as an excuse for everything.. why he gets press and attention is the sad thing ..he and Sharpton ought to pay their fair share..


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