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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Video Of Mike Lewis Wednesday Night With Sean Hannity (Part 1)


  1. Every word he said is true. Excellent Sheriff!

  2. we were gonna bring it to them? lol

  3. Not a. Fan but he was Awesome .

  4. Thank you Sheriff...proud of your dedication...great job! Wicomico County is fortunate to have you in charge!

  5. Mike Lewis what a joke, now Lewis just like fox will take the word of prisoner just to show his bias. Lewis said the president comments are disgusting the African American community will play this video during the next election. I think you are upset because you went all the way up there just to baby sit a building with your new shining tank, a glofied babysitter. You presence you didn't have no say or authority, let alone the temperament tough guy with you badge and guy. Now you are upset because that sent the sorry who can't help home first. See you Mr.lewis election time

    1. 7;19 Your opinion but not mine. Thanks for your imput reminding us there are others with different views.

      I read what you have to say and do not agree with you that Sheriff Lewis is a joke or that he is like a fox. In my opinion Obama has spoken too soon in the police./black cases, that has added even more tension between Black and White Americans. I believe our Sheriff and the equipment went to Baltimore at the request of our Governor Hogan. Our Governor did not call out the National Guard, or LEO from all over Maryland to babysit. IMO the Baltimore leaders (of which are black) incited the riots.Monday night. When the Mayor actually called the Governor for help, Hogan, already had his best lined up to go. Therefore Tuesday was not a repeat of Monday. Mike Lewis was was not the only fish in the sea but our Governor, apparently, correctly, thought he belonged in the best group in the sea.

      I am smart enough to know that my comments will not change your opinion but please know your rants will not change my opinion. Ones opinions. are hard to change to another's way of thinking.

      So. Mike Lewis I saw you on Hannity last night - IMO you spoke very well and gave us facts. I liked that you paused a second after each question in order to gather facts in your mind before answering. You represented Maryland, and LEO, and Wicomico County as the professional you are in the interview. Thank You and I will be voting for you in the next election.as you "sure have done good job as my Sheriff "

  6. Way to go Mike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Very proud of you and it is good to see someone telling the truth instead of sugar coating.

  7. 719-And...who's "word" are you taking? Please, I beg of you, take a remedial English class or two.

  8. 7:19 "Glofied"??

    you probably spelled it like you say it.

  9. 7:19 what did you do that ended you up in WCDC this most recent time? or was is one of your illiterate children? Go back to working at WalMart you dumb POS

  10. JT must not be out of bed yet, otherwise there would be 50 negative comments already.

  11. 7:46, Oh no, he's awake. I'm seeing his negative comment but he can't spell worth a damn and I just keep rejecting them. He's easy to figure out, always has been.

    1. What a "looser"

    2. His fat little sausage fingers cant keep up with his train of thought, hence the spelling errors.

  12. 7:19 WTF did I just attempt to read?

  13. Its not only this JT is widespread, coward.

  14. I'm just in complete shock! Yes I am Naive! What in the world! Isn't there Ethics for the Police?? He repeated vulgar remarks made to whoever in Baltimore and now this!! He shouldn't put his 2 cents into this already volatile situation. I'm so confused, so unprofessional!! You can't go into an area to try and help, then go back to your County and bad mouth them! It such seems very unhelpful and very irresponsible!! I bet they don't ask Wicomico County to EVER HELP AGAIN!! Personal motives, this is all I see!!

  15. Great reporting Joe! You goal was obviously to start controversy with our Sheriff and you done just that. How do you feel about that?

  16. 9:05, Controversy, really? Who the hell are you, JT?

  17. 7:19 is so stoned on pain killers and booze he can not talk more or less type. he is the product of his own evil abuse of his self and his family. Sorry but he is a lump of human waste by addiction. He hates the cops because he has to blame someone for his failures in life. Trust sadly I am sure I know him.

    Say what you want about Mike he did an awesome job exposing a horrible Mayor in Baltimore. Who now is apologizing for calling looters and arsonist 'Thugs" her latest interview I am sorry they are misguided. WTF is that. Joe say what you will Mike threw her on the bus, under the bus, to the back of the bus. She is a liar and a coward. I felt sorry for her years ago when she got played by E. Cummings and the gangs.

    Lewis a man of his word and his beliefs. Thanks for making my day

  18. Proud of you always you have supporters here believe it!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Lewis is just like the looters an opportunist, he just happens to have a badge.

  20. Lewis said he was approached by hundreds of officers while he was in Baltimore. Did he have a booth set up at City Hall or what ?? Boy, his top brass has sure been busy today refuting all the negative comments with their posts !!

  21. There is a delay in the ear piece dumb ass. Mike did not have to think his answers out. The man speaks from the heart. The truth is fast and easy you do not have to think about it. Trust me he did not have to delay his answers.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Proud of you always you have supporters here believe it!!!!!!!!!!!

    April 30, 2015 at 5:04 PM

    hitler had plenty of them too. Pol Pot. Stalin. etc.


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